Hello. We apologize for the inconvenience. The APK you submitted, didn’t follow the provided submission guidelines.
Your app could not be installed with the following error: “App not installed as package conflicts with an existing package.” Therefore we had to rebuild your app from sources.
Upon evaluation, we were unable to identify BOT START TOOLTIP in the app.
Upon re-evaluation, as per your request, we identified that:
Despite implemented, the app so rarely presents it to the user that we had to open several chats with bots for DOZEN of TIMES to finally notice the tooltip.
– The overall flow does not follow the provided design guidelines.
– The arrow indicator is not animated.
The app updates the bar only after the chat is reopened (for cases where user proceeds to Video Chat and unsubscribes).
– The overall flow does not follow the provided design guidelines.
– On a positive side, we appreciate the properly implemented toast message.
Considering the contribution overall, we’ve decided to award you with a bonus of $500. You should now see it on the contest page.