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Testing and Issues

You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the Data Clustering Contest contest.

Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.




If I could invent a time machine, I would go to "threads.cpp", line 29, and replace "(a.datetime > b.datetime) || (a.datetime == b.datetime && a.count > b.count);" with "a.count > b.count;". Ranking top news just by the count of articles is not the best solution, but a way better than by trucated hours...
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by rating


Fair Leopard Feb 28, 2020 at 15:11
Final score for this submission (out of 100):

Languages: 13.15
News EN: 62.94
News RU: 68.16
Categories EN: 51.03
Categories RU: 40.31
Threads EN: 45.76
Threads RU: 34.3
Top news EN: 23.93
Top news RU: 34.84

These data reflect the relative accuracy, precision and speed of the algorithm as compared to the other submissions.
Fair Leopard Feb 6, 2020 at 16:03
In our preliminary tests, this submission received the following scores (out of 100):

Languages: 97
News EN: 83
News RU: 90
Categories EN: 72
Categories RU: 60
Threads EN: 67
Threads RU: 45
Top EN: 63
Top RU: 58

This is not the final result, please stay tuned for updates. We apologize for the delay.
Fair Mammoth Feb 7, 2020 at 20:37
В ходе предварительного тестирования алгоритма были выявлены следующие недостатки в ранжировании:

– Часть сюжетов в разделе 'Main' – нерелевантны. Большое количество сюжетов состоит из одной статьи.

– Заголовки некоторых сюжетов не отражают их содержание.

– Нарушена сортировка статей в сюжетах: нерелевантные статьи отображаются выше релевантных.
Fair Leopard Dec 12, 2019 at 15:17
We had to fix the following issues before running the algorithm and will apply relevant penalties during the final scoring:
- invalid output format, fixed unencoded \n
- fixed unencoded \
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