
Open Website

Testing and Issues

You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the Data Clustering Contest contest.

Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.




I can't replicate the problem being reported. Fair Leopard, Could you please specify the steps to reproduce it?
Here you can also check the version from the repo:
Fair Leopard, please find below the instructions on how to run the app from source using python3.
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by rating


Fair Leopard Feb 28, 2020 at 15:11
Final score for this submission (out of 100):

Languages: 88.72
News EN: 13.08
News RU: 13.16
Categories EN: 56.65
Categories RU: 52.04
Threads EN: 37.1
Threads RU: 12.6
Unfortunately, this submission didn't get a high enough score to be evaluated for Top news (task 5).

These data reflect the relative accuracy, precision and speed of the algorithm as compared to the other submissions.
Fair Leopard Feb 6, 2020 at 16:03
In our preliminary tests, this submission received the following scores (out of 100):

Languages: 100
News EN: 87
News RU: 93
Categories EN: 78
Categories RU: 74
Threads EN: 71
Threads RU: 33

Unfortunately, this submission didn't get a high enough score for the final task (top news) to be evaluated.

This is not the final result, please stay tuned for updates. We apologize for the delay.
Fair Quokka Feb 7, 2020 at 16:32
Ранжирование статей не релизовано. При проверке работы возвращается ошибка 'Script exit with no output'.
Fair Leopard Dec 12, 2019 at 17:28
The following issues have been discovered during preliminary testing:
- PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/nonexistent'
Sexy Croc Dec 12, 2019 at 21:49
I can't replicate the problem being reported. Could you please specify the steps to reproduce it?
Here you can also check the version from the repo:
Fair Leopard Dec 17, 2019 at 12:22
We'he just ran your app from source code and will apply relevant penalties during the final scoring.
Sexy Croc Dec 17, 2019 at 13:57
Thank you Fair Leopard! We just realized some of the results are not available because of a small bug in language identification. The fixed source code is available in the repo
We understand that no changes in the source code are allowed for the contest, however we would be happy to have feedback on the app results.
Fair Leopard Dec 16, 2019 at 19:15
We just run your binary from your submission folder.
We can try to run your app from source code in python environment. Please provide a python version and list of packages you are using.
Sexy Croc Dec 17, 2019 at 10:03
Hi, thanks for the input.

Please run the app using python3 following these steps from within the submission folder.

STEP 1 (install curl, python, pip and virtualenv if not already installed)
apt-get update
apt-get install curl
apt-get install python3-distutils
curl -o
python3 ./
pip3 install --user virtualenv

STEP 2 (replace list of required packages)
curl -o requirements.txt

STEP 3 (create virtualenv and install packages)
python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 env
source ./env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt

STEP 4 (run application)
python -m src.main languages source_dir
python -m src.main news source_dir
python -m src.main categories source_dir
python -m src.main threads source_dir
python -m src.main top source_dir
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