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Testing and Issues

You can test this entry and submit issues during the testing period of the Design Competition 2024 contest.

Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.


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Great job there, animations are so smooth.
My observation of the videos:
1. I actually didn't get the point of why the feature inside the UI doesn't mention anything about the AI, and if it is generally applied, why it is not in list mode and only gets applied in grid mode. I like how the last two photos you have received are similar to ones in the media tab, but why are videos ignored here? Also, the status bar placement and number of the badge are misplaced.
Gifted Puma May 1 at 21:08
"AI" because my idea was that the artificial intelligence determines what is in the image. In list mode is used a standard media search (as now in Telegram), so AI function works only by pressing the icon. thank you for feedback!
2. The video starts by showing the text bar with the placeholder "Message", which needs to be "Broadcast" on channels. When opening the list of channels, under each channel name it is written "channel", which I don't think is necessary since it is a channel list. The subscription count could be more logical. The selected item in the list gets a tiny padding that is not identical to the app's UI. And my question is, how did the confirmation page open on the other side? I didn't see any buttons; all I saw was that it immediately opened without asking.
Gifted Puma May 1 at 21:19
the confirmation page is in channel settings -> sponsor requests. This is shown in the video, but apparently I should have made this moment a little slower
3. When changing "Never allow" to "Always allow", it was necessary to change the exceptions from whitelist to blacklist. The explanation sentence for "Invites" privacy is under the new NFT section. So NFT needed to be inserted above it. I wish there was a way to order the NFTs inside the profile, or at least the user would be able to check their own NFTs. Although I don't prefer having NFTs in the first tab instead of Posts or Media.
Gabriela Vidal May 14 at 12:18
Abayinh Belachw May 31 at 20:24
Nobody added any issues yet...