Creating Animated Stickers

Telegram apps support animated stickers as of version 5.9. All artists are welcome to create and upload new packs of animated stickers.

Required Tools

To create animated stickers for the Telegram platform, you will need the following:

  1. Any vector graphics editor that allows exporting vector objects to Adobe After Effects for turning them into animations.
  2. Adobe After Effects.
  3. The Bodymovin-TG plugin, a fork of Bodymovin for Adobe After Effects that can be used to export animations to .TGS, the Telegram animated sticker format.

Technical Requirements

  • Sticker/canvas size must be 512х512 pixels.
  • Sticker objects must not leave the canvas.
  • Animation length must not exceed 3 seconds.
  • All animations must be looped.
  • Sticker size must not exceed 64 KB after rendering in Bodymovin.
  • All animations must run at 60 Frames Per Second.
  • You must not use the following Adobe After Effects functionality when animating your stickers: Auto-bezier keys, Expressions, Masks, Layer Effects, Images, Solids, Texts, 3D Layers, Merge Paths, Star Shapes, Gradient Strokes, Repeaters, Time Stretching, Time Remapping, Auto-Oriented Layers.

Uploading Stickers

Once your stickers are ready, send the /newanimated command to the @stickers bot – then send it the .TGS files.

Your set will need an icon. Icons for animated sticker sets must be 100x100 pixels, with a looped animation not exceeding 3 seconds.