WARNING! Clicking "Open Website" will launch a third-party app, use at your own risk. We do not recommend logging in with your main account.
Testing and Issues
You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the JavaScript Contest, Stage 3 contest.
Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.
** I addressed all the previously identified issues.
- Improved the overall performance of the app by updating the AES-IGE implementation (faster file upload and download)
- Fixed UI mismatches
- Fixed the issue with uploading multiple files at once
- Fixed blinking issue when sending sticker, GIF, and files
- Fixed continuous progress bar in shared media when no media exists
- Show chat's pinned message
- Show self as "Saved Messages" and also it would appear in global search when search term matches "Saved Messages"
- Improved the overall performance of the app by updating the AES-IGE implementation (faster file upload and download)
- Fixed UI mismatches
- Fixed the issue with uploading multiple files at once
- Fixed blinking issue when sending sticker, GIF, and files
- Fixed continuous progress bar in shared media when no media exists
- Show chat's pinned message
- Show self as "Saved Messages" and also it would appear in global search when search term matches "Saved Messages"
Chrome / Mac OS X
- Show a spinner in light box for the first loaded image
- Show sticker set previews
- Apple emojis
- Apple emojis will be downloaded only on devices that are not mac-like
- Change user in the right sidebar on dialog change
- Online user indicator on user's avatar in the dialog list
- Last sent message read check status in the dialog list
- Fixed monkey animations in the login flow
- Record and send voice message with Safari, Chrome, and Firefox support by conditionally loading vorbis encoder if the browser does not support audio/ogg
- Fixed video playback on Safari iOS
- Show sticker set previews
- Apple emojis
- Apple emojis will be downloaded only on devices that are not mac-like
- Change user in the right sidebar on dialog change
- Online user indicator on user's avatar in the dialog list
- Last sent message read check status in the dialog list
- Fixed monkey animations in the login flow
- Record and send voice message with Safari, Chrome, and Firefox support by conditionally loading vorbis encoder if the browser does not support audio/ogg
- Fixed video playback on Safari iOS
Chrome / Mac OS X
** 3rd stage requirements
- Upgraded API Layer to 114
- Mobile style (with support for navigation events)
- Discovering featured stickers
- Search stickers both locally and from the Telegram API
- Global search
- Top peers in global search
- In chat search
- Add support for rendering polls (Quiz, anonymous polls, multiple choices)
- Sending vote on polls and quizzes
- Search GIF (uses the @gif inline bot to do the search)
- Recent emojis (updated when a message is sent by scanning its content and extracting emojis)
- Recent stickers (also immediately updated after sending a sticker)
- Creating and sending polls in groups and channels
- Upgraded API Layer to 114
- Mobile style (with support for navigation events)
- Discovering featured stickers
- Search stickers both locally and from the Telegram API
- Global search
- Top peers in global search
- In chat search
- Add support for rendering polls (Quiz, anonymous polls, multiple choices)
- Sending vote on polls and quizzes
- Search GIF (uses the @gif inline bot to do the search)
- Recent emojis (updated when a message is sent by scanning its content and extracting emojis)
- Recent stickers (also immediately updated after sending a sticker)
- Creating and sending polls in groups and channels
Chrome / Mac OS X
** More enhancements that were not in the contest criteria:
- Support for webp stickers in Safari by asynchronously loading libwebp only if the browser does not support webp files.
- Add support for contact media
- Keyboard events in media lightbox
- Messages that are purely 1-3 emojis, will be displayed without the bubble and with a bigger font size
- Support for webp stickers in Safari by asynchronously loading libwebp only if the browser does not support webp files.
- Add support for contact media
- Keyboard events in media lightbox
- Messages that are purely 1-3 emojis, will be displayed without the bubble and with a bigger font size
Chrome / Mac OS X
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by rating
Transferred size on startup: 179KB
Transferred size after logging in: 250KB
Unfortunately, the speed of the app is significantly below our expectations. There are numerous critical issues in contest task implementation which have prevented the app from being promoted to a higher place. Not all of the earlier identified issues were fixed.
1. Critical issues:
– The app doesn't support the signup flow;
– The input field is broken on iOS (Safari);
– Certain chats are not loaded at all;
– The very bottom chat is unavailable due to a layout issue on Android (Chrome);
– Voice messages recorded with the app cannot be played in other apps, e.g. official iOS app;
– GIFs are static in a chat when sent using ESG (emoji, stickers, GIFs) panel;
– Landscape layout issues;
– Media with captions are not sent;
– The chats sequence in Chats can be broken: archived chats are displayed over the pinned chats;
– The context menu doesn't work in Chats on iOS (Safari);
– Videos and GIFs don't work on iOS (Safari);
– Audio player is missing;
– Voice recording doesn't work on iOS (Safari).
2. Medium to minor issues:
– Sending voice messages in landscape causes the keyboard to appear;
– Sending GIF, sticker, emoji on Chrome Android closes the panel;
– Search lacks focus on messages.
3. Task II issues:
– Video streaming is missing;
– Archived chats are missing;
– Folders implementation is missing;
– Grey / black placeholders are shown instead of video previews in Shared Media on Android (Chrome);
– Shared media tabs overlap each other when switching between them;
– Swipe navigation is missing in Gallery on iOS (Safari);
– Links overlap each other in Shared Media;
– Videos are shown as photos in Shared Media;
– Quizzes are broken: when another person answers the quiz, the results are collapsed;
– Missing formatting in explanations;
– The design of the in-chat search is incorrect.
Transferred size after logging in: 250KB
Unfortunately, the speed of the app is significantly below our expectations. There are numerous critical issues in contest task implementation which have prevented the app from being promoted to a higher place. Not all of the earlier identified issues were fixed.
1. Critical issues:
– The app doesn't support the signup flow;
– The input field is broken on iOS (Safari);
– Certain chats are not loaded at all;
– The very bottom chat is unavailable due to a layout issue on Android (Chrome);
– Voice messages recorded with the app cannot be played in other apps, e.g. official iOS app;
– GIFs are static in a chat when sent using ESG (emoji, stickers, GIFs) panel;
– Landscape layout issues;
– Media with captions are not sent;
– The chats sequence in Chats can be broken: archived chats are displayed over the pinned chats;
– The context menu doesn't work in Chats on iOS (Safari);
– Videos and GIFs don't work on iOS (Safari);
– Audio player is missing;
– Voice recording doesn't work on iOS (Safari).
2. Medium to minor issues:
– Sending voice messages in landscape causes the keyboard to appear;
– Sending GIF, sticker, emoji on Chrome Android closes the panel;
– Search lacks focus on messages.
3. Task II issues:
– Video streaming is missing;
– Archived chats are missing;
– Folders implementation is missing;
– Grey / black placeholders are shown instead of video previews in Shared Media on Android (Chrome);
– Shared media tabs overlap each other when switching between them;
– Swipe navigation is missing in Gallery on iOS (Safari);
– Links overlap each other in Shared Media;
– Videos are shown as photos in Shared Media;
– Quizzes are broken: when another person answers the quiz, the results are collapsed;
– Missing formatting in explanations;
– The design of the in-chat search is incorrect.
Samsung Galaxy S9 (Android 10); iPhone XS (iOS 13.6); macOS 10.15.5; Chrome 84.0.4147 / Safari 13.1.2.
country is not determined automatically by login
layout doesnt match mokups
no caching in dialogs
wrong right sidebar animation
if you scroll the chat history up, then the loss of frames appears in the chat, after a while the whole application starts to slow down, including the dialog list. the scroll works in jerky chat, until you switch the dialog or refresh the page
context menu in the dialog list not implemented
there is no update dialog list, I moved the chat to the archive from windows client but in your application it remained
some emoji are simply missing
there is no folders implementation and their display
the right sidebar slows down and overlaps each other (recorded a video)
saved messages displays content only on one side, as well as without avatars
no album support
wrong media viewer animation, no reverse animation
no audio/video streaming
layout doesnt match mokups
no caching in dialogs
wrong right sidebar animation
if you scroll the chat history up, then the loss of frames appears in the chat, after a while the whole application starts to slow down, including the dialog list. the scroll works in jerky chat, until you switch the dialog or refresh the page
context menu in the dialog list not implemented
there is no update dialog list, I moved the chat to the archive from windows client but in your application it remained
some emoji are simply missing
there is no folders implementation and their display
the right sidebar slows down and overlaps each other (recorded a video)
saved messages displays content only on one side, as well as without avatars
no album support
wrong media viewer animation, no reverse animation
no audio/video streaming
Chrome 83.0.4103.106, Win10 64bit, res 2560x1440
music or voice that is playing is not displayed in the top bar
audio and voice messages do not switch to the next when playback is finished
if you hold down mouse3 to scroll through the chat, the scroll stops in one place and the story does not load
there are some memory leaks, a couple of times I managed to get to 1.2-1.3gb in the dialogs, but in average use it is usually 350-500 mb, it is better than some other works
when using the application for a long time, ripple animation (click on the dialog) starts to slow down
messages are not always read. there were 13 messages, I went into a dialog - there was 1 message and it remained forever, tried to re-enter the dialog, but 1 message remained
when changing the dialogue, if something is entered in the input field, then this text remains there, although it should not
recent search doesnt work
audio and voice messages do not switch to the next when playback is finished
if you hold down mouse3 to scroll through the chat, the scroll stops in one place and the story does not load
there are some memory leaks, a couple of times I managed to get to 1.2-1.3gb in the dialogs, but in average use it is usually 350-500 mb, it is better than some other works
when using the application for a long time, ripple animation (click on the dialog) starts to slow down
messages are not always read. there were 13 messages, I went into a dialog - there was 1 message and it remained forever, tried to re-enter the dialog, but 1 message remained
when changing the dialogue, if something is entered in the input field, then this text remains there, although it should not
recent search doesnt work
Chrome 83.0.4103.106, Win10 64bit, res 2560x1440
general search is sometimes buggy and does not display anything, and something strange happens with the animation, if you quickly click on the search and back several times, after that, when you exit the search, the dialog list hangs and you can’t click anything else, you can’t scroll, it just hangs. need to refresh page
search does not highlight the found word
some dialogue avatars do not load, for example telegram contests channels
stickers overlap each other when scrolling in a dialogue
stickers are very slow
no popup stickers in chat
there is no trending of stickers, as well as the search for stickers does not open in the right bar but in the emoji panel - videos/screens here
search does not highlight the found word
some dialogue avatars do not load, for example telegram contests channels
stickers overlap each other when scrolling in a dialogue
stickers are very slow
no popup stickers in chat
there is no trending of stickers, as well as the search for stickers does not open in the right bar but in the emoji panel - videos/screens here
Chrome 83.0.4103.106, Win10 64bit, res 2560x1440

A problem with retrieving the content of chat (sometimes nothing is loaded)
Xiaomi mi9t, default browser (looks like on other platforms also reproducible)
you must hold button to record voice messages, it's not good solution for desktop
chrome 84.0.4147.89, Mac OS
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