WARNING! Clicking "Open Website" will launch a third-party app, use at your own risk. We do not recommend logging in with your main account.
Testing and Issues
You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the JavaScript Contest, Stage 3 contest.
Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.
Here's a list of features implemented in this stage.
Most notably, now my app uses persistent local storage (IndexedDB) to improve its performance and allow for the required folders functionality. That includes messages, groups, users, and downloaded files. Unfortunately, that required a lot of work and refactoring.
Most notably, now my app uses persistent local storage (IndexedDB) to improve its performance and allow for the required folders functionality. That includes messages, groups, users, and downloaded files. Unfortunately, that required a lot of work and refactoring.
Required features
- Mobile version, with support of single-column interface. Context menus are opened via long press. Media viewer supports swipe gestures.
- Emoji/stickers/GIFs panel. Trending stickers and stickers search.
- Recording voice messages with the proper "echo" animation.
- Global and local search. Note: there's a slight issue discovered after the end of contest, which prevents messages from showing up in the global search results.
- Mobile version, with support of single-column interface. Context menus are opened via long press. Media viewer supports swipe gestures.
- Emoji/stickers/GIFs panel. Trending stickers and stickers search.
- Recording voice messages with the proper "echo" animation.
- Global and local search. Note: there's a slight issue discovered after the end of contest, which prevents messages from showing up in the global search results.
Reward features
- Shared media panel. In addition to Members, Media, Docs and Links tabs added previously, Audio tab now works too, with playable audio files. Audio player at the top of message list. Files can be downloaded now.
- Audio and video streaming. App can play audio and video files without fully downloading them on platform where it's supported.
- Archive. Now app also supports adding and removing chats to/from archive.
- Folders. App displays user's folders and allows editing them in Settings. Pinned chats in folders are supported too.
- All types of polls are now supported, including quizzes, multi-answers and public polls (with the polls results panel). Animations for voting, answering correctly/wrongly in a quiz. Timeouts, last voters and explanations.
- Search for messages within a chat with a calendar popup allowing to jump to a specific date.
- Shared media panel. In addition to Members, Media, Docs and Links tabs added previously, Audio tab now works too, with playable audio files. Audio player at the top of message list. Files can be downloaded now.
- Audio and video streaming. App can play audio and video files without fully downloading them on platform where it's supported.
- Archive. Now app also supports adding and removing chats to/from archive.
- Folders. App displays user's folders and allows editing them in Settings. Pinned chats in folders are supported too.
- All types of polls are now supported, including quizzes, multi-answers and public polls (with the polls results panel). Animations for voting, answering correctly/wrongly in a quiz. Timeouts, last voters and explanations.
- Search for messages within a chat with a calendar popup allowing to jump to a specific date.
Extra features
- Forwarding messages and media.
- Voice messages are now playable.
- Maps, venues and live locations are supported.
- Inline keyboards for bots are now supported.
- Formatted text can be correctly inserted and sent. Default keystrokes (like Ctrl-B, Ctrl-I) can be used.
- Support for suggested stickers after typing an emoji.
- Support for creating quizzes (including explanations).
- Support for playing round videos.
- Context menus for chats and messages.
- Chats now open from the first unread message. "Go down" button. Read messages updated on scroll.
- Support for deleting messages.
- Emojis are now correctly rendered on non-Apple platforms.
- Improved media albums support (including mixed video/photo albums).
- Phone number is now properly formatted (based on the selected country).
- "Waiting for network" block on connectivity issues.
- Forwarding messages and media.
- Voice messages are now playable.
- Maps, venues and live locations are supported.
- Inline keyboards for bots are now supported.
- Formatted text can be correctly inserted and sent. Default keystrokes (like Ctrl-B, Ctrl-I) can be used.
- Support for suggested stickers after typing an emoji.
- Support for creating quizzes (including explanations).
- Support for playing round videos.
- Context menus for chats and messages.
- Chats now open from the first unread message. "Go down" button. Read messages updated on scroll.
- Support for deleting messages.
- Emojis are now correctly rendered on non-Apple platforms.
- Improved media albums support (including mixed video/photo albums).
- Phone number is now properly formatted (based on the selected country).
- "Waiting for network" block on connectivity issues.
Minor features
- User's profile can be opened from Members list in groups/channels.
- Scroll chat to the end after sending a message.
- Improved style for round loader animation.
- Profile info is hidden when viewing shared media in saved messages.
- Hiding userpic for saved messages dialog.
- Auto-selecting country after entering phone code.
- Login screen inputs now use proper keyboards on mobiles.
- Default notification settings are now loaded on init.
- Improved bad performance on opening right panel.
- Improved media viewer appearance on changing to the previous/next media.
- User's profile can be opened from Members list in groups/channels.
- Scroll chat to the end after sending a message.
- Improved style for round loader animation.
- Profile info is hidden when viewing shared media in saved messages.
- Hiding userpic for saved messages dialog.
- Auto-selecting country after entering phone code.
- Login screen inputs now use proper keyboards on mobiles.
- Default notification settings are now loaded on init.
- Improved bad performance on opening right panel.
- Improved media viewer appearance on changing to the previous/next media.
- Fixed entering non-digit numbers to phone field.
- Fixed slightly incorrect monkey animation.
- Fixed scrollbar appearing on the right side of message list.
- Fixed flickering media in profiles.
- Fixed some issues with service messages formatting.
- Fixed not displaying thumbs on tabs for some sticker sets.
- Fixed showing (empty) Members tab in channels with no access to participants.
- Fixed incorrect text wrapping in polls.
- Fixed not receiving messages in pinned chats.
- Fixed blocking app on double-clicking a photo in group.
- Fixed flickering of media previews in profiles.
- Fixed issues with forwarded messages layout.
- Autofilling phone input now works correctly.
- Fixed country filtering issues on login screen.
- Fixed entering non-digit numbers to phone field.
- Fixed slightly incorrect monkey animation.
- Fixed scrollbar appearing on the right side of message list.
- Fixed flickering media in profiles.
- Fixed some issues with service messages formatting.
- Fixed not displaying thumbs on tabs for some sticker sets.
- Fixed showing (empty) Members tab in channels with no access to participants.
- Fixed incorrect text wrapping in polls.
- Fixed not receiving messages in pinned chats.
- Fixed blocking app on double-clicking a photo in group.
- Fixed flickering of media previews in profiles.
- Fixed issues with forwarded messages layout.
- Autofilling phone input now works correctly.
- Fixed country filtering issues on login screen.
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by rating
Transferred size при первом старте: 347КВ.
Transferred size после перезагрузки страницы для залогиненного аккаунта: 230КВ.
Скорость работы приложения оказалась существенно ниже ожидаемой. Кроме того, выявленные серьёзные недоработки как для мобильных, так и для настольных ОС, не позволяют работе занять более высокое призовое место.
В приложении также были учтены не все замечания по итогам предыдущих этапов – некоторые выявленные ранее проблемы по-прежнему воспроизводятся. В ходе тестирования работы обнаружены:
1. Критические недоработки:
– Полностью сломана прокрутка в Chrome на Android – на некоторых экранах едва заметен слайдер справа, удерживая который, можно прокручивать экран;
– При логине в аккаунт может открываться случайный чат / канал;
– При открытии вкладки Trending Stickers сильно уменьшается производительность;
– Чаты открываются со смаргиванием, прочими визуальными искажениями и заметным снижением производительности приложения на Android (Chrome);
– Вёрстка на Android (Chrome) ломается простым набором текста;
– Из-за проблем с прокруткой на Android (Chrome), отправка фото становится невозможной – при появлении окна с заголовком нельзя скрыть окно или прокрутить его до кнопки отправки;
– На Android (Chrome) при попытке отправить файл, выбранный файл не отправляется, набранный заголовок не отображается;
– Отправленное голосовое сообщение не воспроизводится до перезахода в чат на Android (Chrome);
– В Safari не работает запись и воспроизведение голосовых сообщений;
– В Safari не поддержаны GIF – отправленные GIF не проигрываются, вместо них отображаются зелёные пузыри даже после обновления страницы;
– Не реализован поиск по сообщениям из строки поиска над списком чатов;
– При вызове контекстного меню на iOS (Safari) выделяется весь экран;
– В открытом чате могут не появляться входящие сообщения до обновления страницы на iOS (Safari);
– После получения нового сообщения чаты могут не вылетать из архива.
Transferred size после перезагрузки страницы для залогиненного аккаунта: 230КВ.
Скорость работы приложения оказалась существенно ниже ожидаемой. Кроме того, выявленные серьёзные недоработки как для мобильных, так и для настольных ОС, не позволяют работе занять более высокое призовое место.
В приложении также были учтены не все замечания по итогам предыдущих этапов – некоторые выявленные ранее проблемы по-прежнему воспроизводятся. В ходе тестирования работы обнаружены:
1. Критические недоработки:
– Полностью сломана прокрутка в Chrome на Android – на некоторых экранах едва заметен слайдер справа, удерживая который, можно прокручивать экран;
– При логине в аккаунт может открываться случайный чат / канал;
– При открытии вкладки Trending Stickers сильно уменьшается производительность;
– Чаты открываются со смаргиванием, прочими визуальными искажениями и заметным снижением производительности приложения на Android (Chrome);
– Вёрстка на Android (Chrome) ломается простым набором текста;
– Из-за проблем с прокруткой на Android (Chrome), отправка фото становится невозможной – при появлении окна с заголовком нельзя скрыть окно или прокрутить его до кнопки отправки;
– На Android (Chrome) при попытке отправить файл, выбранный файл не отправляется, набранный заголовок не отображается;
– Отправленное голосовое сообщение не воспроизводится до перезахода в чат на Android (Chrome);
– В Safari не работает запись и воспроизведение голосовых сообщений;
– В Safari не поддержаны GIF – отправленные GIF не проигрываются, вместо них отображаются зелёные пузыри даже после обновления страницы;
– Не реализован поиск по сообщениям из строки поиска над списком чатов;
– При вызове контекстного меню на iOS (Safari) выделяется весь экран;
– В открытом чате могут не появляться входящие сообщения до обновления страницы на iOS (Safari);
– После получения нового сообщения чаты могут не вылетать из архива.
Samsung Galaxy S9 (Android 10); iPhone XS (iOS 13.6); macOS 10.15.5; Chrome 84.0.4147 / Safari 13.1.2.
2. Прочие недоработки:
– Некорректные сигналограммы голосовых сообщений – практически всегда отображаются почти прямые линии;
– Бокс подсказок стикеров остаётся на экране до обновления страницы на Android (Chrome);
– В альбомной ориентации в панели стикеров доступны только эмодзи;
– Часть контекстного меню может отображаться за пределами экрана на iOS (Safari);
– Контекстное меню иногда не вызывается до обновления страницы;
– Видео отправляются только файлами;
– При нажатии на поле ввода смаргивает верхняя часть интерфейса приложения на iOS (Safari).
3. Недоработки второй части задания:
– При просмотре медиа в галерее из общих медиа отправители Undefined NaN;
– Существенные проблемы со стримингом;
– В архиве доступен вызов нескольких контекстных меню;
– В папках не поддержано закрепление чатов;
– Объяснения в викторинах доступны к просмотру лишь один раз, для повторного вызова требуется повторный вход в чат;
– Невозможно скачать медиа из просмотрщика;
– Невозможно отменить загрузку файла;
– Нет вкладки Audio в Shared Media;
– Не реализован стриминг видео на iOS (Safari);
– Перемотка в стриминге реализована только по загруженной части аудио;
– Могут подсвечиваться открытыми несколько папок одновременно;
– Невозможно проголосовать в созданном собой опросе;
– Не обновляются результаты проголосовавших в опросе до обновления страницы.
– Некорректные сигналограммы голосовых сообщений – практически всегда отображаются почти прямые линии;
– Бокс подсказок стикеров остаётся на экране до обновления страницы на Android (Chrome);
– В альбомной ориентации в панели стикеров доступны только эмодзи;
– Часть контекстного меню может отображаться за пределами экрана на iOS (Safari);
– Контекстное меню иногда не вызывается до обновления страницы;
– Видео отправляются только файлами;
– При нажатии на поле ввода смаргивает верхняя часть интерфейса приложения на iOS (Safari).
3. Недоработки второй части задания:
– При просмотре медиа в галерее из общих медиа отправители Undefined NaN;
– Существенные проблемы со стримингом;
– В архиве доступен вызов нескольких контекстных меню;
– В папках не поддержано закрепление чатов;
– Объяснения в викторинах доступны к просмотру лишь один раз, для повторного вызова требуется повторный вход в чат;
– Невозможно скачать медиа из просмотрщика;
– Невозможно отменить загрузку файла;
– Нет вкладки Audio в Shared Media;
– Не реализован стриминг видео на iOS (Safari);
– Перемотка в стриминге реализована только по загруженной части аудио;
– Могут подсвечиваться открытыми несколько папок одновременно;
– Невозможно проголосовать в созданном собой опросе;
– Не обновляются результаты проголосовавших в опросе до обновления страницы.
Samsung Galaxy S9 (Android 10); iPhone XS (iOS 13.6); macOS 10.15.5; Chrome 84.0.4147 / Safari 13.1.2.

Draft messages are not stored. When you switch between chats and come back your draft is cleared.
HP Envy Notebook/Opera/Windows 10 Pro
layout almost everywhere does not match, for examples audio in chat in the wrong color, in the sidebar 4 pictures instead of 3
sidebar does not open well on a 2k monitor, leaves the screen
sidebar content blinks
some dialogs simply stop loading for unknown reasons, chat, avatars, sidebar freeze
the sidebar constantly closes if you switch to another dialog
when the audio ends - it does not switch to next and also it freezes as if it is still playing in the sidebar and topbar
switching between dialogs slows down if you open dialogs quickly - the delay can reach 3 seconds.
ripple effect slows down, works with a delay and not always smoothly
chat scrolling slows down
media viewer animation is bad for chat and sidebar photos, and no reverse animation at all
sidebar does not open well on a 2k monitor, leaves the screen
sidebar content blinks
some dialogs simply stop loading for unknown reasons, chat, avatars, sidebar freeze
the sidebar constantly closes if you switch to another dialog
when the audio ends - it does not switch to next and also it freezes as if it is still playing in the sidebar and topbar
switching between dialogs slows down if you open dialogs quickly - the delay can reach 3 seconds.
ripple effect slows down, works with a delay and not always smoothly
chat scrolling slows down
media viewer animation is bad for chat and sidebar photos, and no reverse animation at all
Chrome 83.0.4103.106, Win10 64bit, res 2560x1440
avatar icon is not displayed in saved messages
during the hour of testing, the client freezes 2 times
the media in the dialogue blinks when switching between dialogs
when open a dialogs - the content in the chat jumps
some media in the chat without loaders and a white background is applied, it loads for a long time if you scroll the chat up
when you click on the button in the test to continue testing, nothing is updated, and you only need to refresh the page.
double scroll in forward section
audio streaming does not work correctly, you can’t click anywhere to listen to a song, just wait until it downloads and then you can switch to that chunk
during the hour of testing, the client freezes 2 times
the media in the dialogue blinks when switching between dialogs
when open a dialogs - the content in the chat jumps
some media in the chat without loaders and a white background is applied, it loads for a long time if you scroll the chat up
when you click on the button in the test to continue testing, nothing is updated, and you only need to refresh the page.
double scroll in forward section
audio streaming does not work correctly, you can’t click anywhere to listen to a song, just wait until it downloads and then you can switch to that chunk
Chrome 83.0.4103.106, Win10 64bit, res 2560x1440
many service messages are not displayed in the dialogs list, calls are one of them
GIFs are wrong, square and loaded too long
cant open a set of stickers from the sidebar.
sticker panel slows down
pop-up stickers from the chat doesnt open
emojis are not displayed in the input line
stickers in the sticker panel load too long and are not animated
stickers in chat are not animated, they work only if you hover over them.
when viewing the dialog history, for example, the Telegram Party group, there are leaks memory everywhere
big memory leak, managed to dial 11GB in chrome
video and screens here:
GIFs are wrong, square and loaded too long
cant open a set of stickers from the sidebar.
sticker panel slows down
pop-up stickers from the chat doesnt open
emojis are not displayed in the input line
stickers in the sticker panel load too long and are not animated
stickers in chat are not animated, they work only if you hover over them.
when viewing the dialog history, for example, the Telegram Party group, there are leaks memory everywhere
big memory leak, managed to dial 11GB in chrome
video and screens here:
Chrome 83.0.4103.106, Win10 64bit, res 2560x1440
1. Если нажать на поиск несколько раз, приложение превращается в тыкву -;
2. Глобальный поиск не работает. Групповые чаты во вкладке recent отображаются некорректно -;
2. Глобальный поиск не работает. Групповые чаты во вкладке recent отображаются некорректно -;
&Mobile test
Xiaomi Mi 8 Chrome:
the mobile version is working terribly
scrolling chat or dialogs doesn't work! (at all)
almost all animations freezes
when adding archive chat the context menu does not disappear
stickers are very slow
search by date in chat works
no private search results in new page
a lot of content just doesn’t load, layout is very bad, video and screenshot added to the channel.
when you open a general search you get a white screen, watch the end of the video - here
Xiaomi Mi 8 Chrome:
the mobile version is working terribly
scrolling chat or dialogs doesn't work! (at all)
almost all animations freezes
when adding archive chat the context menu does not disappear
stickers are very slow
search by date in chat works
no private search results in new page
a lot of content just doesn’t load, layout is very bad, video and screenshot added to the channel.
when you open a general search you get a white screen, watch the end of the video - here
SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 845, 8 cores (4 × Kryo 385 @2,8 GHz 4 × Kryo 385 @1,8 GHz) 6GB Memory
Well, if that offends you - im sorry.
The minimum requirements of the third stage indicate that Chrome and Safari should work flawlessly. Unfortunately, your chrome doesn't work flawlessly. But even if the scrolling worked, it is still far from flawlessly. For 21 days, you can definitely find an android. At least from friends, even from relatives or just use the simulator. That is, you continued to carry out the remaining tasks, without putting the main ones in order. As in principle, many other participants. Just the motivation of the participants to complete all the tasks is not entirely clear if all this works in this way and is not a flawlessly implementation. Therefore, I expressed my comments, but I understand you and in the future I will try not to offend anyone, only the specifics of the work.
The minimum requirements of the third stage indicate that Chrome and Safari should work flawlessly. Unfortunately, your chrome doesn't work flawlessly. But even if the scrolling worked, it is still far from flawlessly. For 21 days, you can definitely find an android. At least from friends, even from relatives or just use the simulator. That is, you continued to carry out the remaining tasks, without putting the main ones in order. As in principle, many other participants. Just the motivation of the participants to complete all the tasks is not entirely clear if all this works in this way and is not a flawlessly implementation. Therefore, I expressed my comments, but I understand you and in the future I will try not to offend anyone, only the specifics of the work.
with love <3
In any case, I wish you good luck and I will check the safari + ios soon. I will also check the work of all other participants, just so that the participants, as well as the judges, notice a little more things.
with love <3
when you login to the application, the number keyboard does not close, the screen is lower because of this and the white indent is on top. immediately opens the search (made a screen)
double scroll in iphone in dialog sheet
the dialog in the iPhone switches with a delay after clicking on it
the scroll on the iPhone also does not work normally, after 10 seconds it just stopped working, it helped reload the page, after that within 5 minutes the scroll stopped working 10 times, always have to reload the page
when the scroll hangs, even the page refresh takes a long time, you need to wait 7-10 seconds.
when you call the context menu in the dialog list - all content is highlighted in blue
the scroll jumps when scrolling the chat up 3-5 times, also in some dialogs it jumps down. recorded a video
if you scroll through the history of 2-3 screens at the durov’s channel, then when you exit the dialog and go into another, the delay is 5-6 seconds when switching
double scroll in iphone in dialog sheet
the dialog in the iPhone switches with a delay after clicking on it
the scroll on the iPhone also does not work normally, after 10 seconds it just stopped working, it helped reload the page, after that within 5 minutes the scroll stopped working 10 times, always have to reload the page
when the scroll hangs, even the page refresh takes a long time, you need to wait 7-10 seconds.
when you call the context menu in the dialog list - all content is highlighted in blue
the scroll jumps when scrolling the chat up 3-5 times, also in some dialogs it jumps down. recorded a video
if you scroll through the history of 2-3 screens at the durov’s channel, then when you exit the dialog and go into another, the delay is 5-6 seconds when switching
Safari iOS 13.4.1 - iPhone 11 (A13 Bionic)
the stickers don't seem to work in safari at all. webp ?
recording voice messages in safari ios doesnt work, voice message playback doesnt work too
if you scroll through the chat history quickly up, then while the messages are rendered and you can see, you need wait a few seconds
the scroll in the dialog list stops working for 2-3 seconds when you release it
If you go to the dialog, after that open the search, then click the up arrow icon on the keyboard, then you exit the search and click exit to the main menu, where the dialog list, a bug will occur and the main search will open instead of the dialog list.
if you go into some dialog, open the emoji panel of gifs/stickers, then immediately switching between the dialogs will be too long. from 5 seconds. only refreshing the page will help - video/screens here
recording voice messages in safari ios doesnt work, voice message playback doesnt work too
if you scroll through the chat history quickly up, then while the messages are rendered and you can see, you need wait a few seconds
the scroll in the dialog list stops working for 2-3 seconds when you release it
If you go to the dialog, after that open the search, then click the up arrow icon on the keyboard, then you exit the search and click exit to the main menu, where the dialog list, a bug will occur and the main search will open instead of the dialog list.
if you go into some dialog, open the emoji panel of gifs/stickers, then immediately switching between the dialogs will be too long. from 5 seconds. only refreshing the page will help - video/screens here
Safari iOS 13.4.1 - iPhone 11 (A13 Bionic)
Completely irrelevant dialog list. It shows channels which I didn't subscribe but doesn't show peers which I had conversation with.

My device has a high DPI and I've experienced the following issues:
- The animated emoji on the login pages are cut off at the top
- I have quite a few folders and they don't seem to be scrollable (can't access the last folders)
- When logging in it said it sent me an SMS but actually it just sent a code to my Telegram account
- The animated emoji on the login pages are cut off at the top
- I have quite a few folders and they don't seem to be scrollable (can't access the last folders)
- When logging in it said it sent me an SMS but actually it just sent a code to my Telegram account
Microsoft Edge / Windows 10

after authorization, the numeric keyboard is still shown and the paddings are shifted as the result
iphone X, safari
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