WARNING! Clicking "Open Website" will launch a third-party app, use at your own risk. We do not recommend logging in with your main account.
Testing and Issues
You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the Javascript Contest, Stage 1 contest.
Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.
Used TDLib/tdweb for integrate Telegram API.
For user interfaces used webcomponents (custom element, shadow dom, HTML Templates ). No library, only Vanila baby 😉
1. Login, Code, Password, Registartion pages
2. Sticker animation on every step, including watching when you enter code.
3. Crop image modal on registarion page.
4. Input error handling.
5. Chat page, chats list and message list.
6. Dynamic import data for dropdown and crop modal
7. Hash Routing for every page.
8. Design match.
For user interfaces used webcomponents (custom element, shadow dom, HTML Templates ). No library, only Vanila baby 😉
1. Login, Code, Password, Registartion pages
2. Sticker animation on every step, including watching when you enter code.
3. Crop image modal on registarion page.
4. Input error handling.
5. Chat page, chats list and message list.
6. Dynamic import data for dropdown and crop modal
7. Hash Routing for every page.
8. Design match.
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by rating
The contest task is not completed: the signup flow isn't finished, the monkey animation is looped when entering a code. Overall speed is below average. The design doesn't comply with the provided mockups.
Google Chrome 78.0.3904, macOS 10.15.2

Mostly dysfunctional. It can't send messages, doesn't show new messages, doesn't support images.
Chrome 78 / Windows 10
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