a Mini App that provides the global job search and connecting talented individuals with exciting career opportunities. Discover job openings from top companies and organizations, explore detailed job descriptions, and apply directly through our app.
a Mini App that provides the global job search and connecting talented individuals with exciting career opportunities. Discover job openings from top companies and organizations, explore detailed job descriptions, and apply directly through our app.
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Interesting concept. I wish we could 1. Add jobs 2. Search for job listings.
Other than those feature requests, I found a few interface bugs:
1. Some images didn't load at times.
2. On my Android 13 device (Telegram 10.2.0), the job listing totally crashed (I didn't check console).
3. The job fields are not following the theme (full white background in dark mode)
Other than those feature requests, I found a few interface bugs:
1. Some images didn't load at times.
2. On my Android 13 device (Telegram 10.2.0), the job listing totally crashed (I didn't check console).
3. The job fields are not following the theme (full white background in dark mode)
TDesktop 4.11.1 (direct install) / Ubuntu 23.04 and Telegram for Android 10.2.0 (A13)
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