PFAS Roundtable - Industry and Regulatory Outlook
Understanding the technology, regulatory frame work & solutions to PFAS mitigation

This PFAS Roundtable will be a data-driven, focused discussion including recent industry case studies, remedial strategies, and regulatory vision for the future. Participants will gain valuable insight from a roundtable of experts discussing the latest real-world applications for remediating PFAS-impacted water. Geared towards environmental consultants and companies dealing directly with PFAS contamination, this panel discussion will offer data-driven science to help participants understand the importance of selecting the right technology for PFAS treatment and how to utilize regulatory drivers to choose the right solution for contamination issues.
With combined experience stretching over six decades, Avram Frankel, P.E., of Integral Consulting, Steve Woodard, Ph.D., P.E., of ECT2 and Hunter Anderson of Air Force Civil Engineer Center have been key experts in driving innovation and new solutions in the emerging contaminant world.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding latest technology advancements in PFAS treatment and how they can impact remediation strategy and tactics. Speakers will address best strategies for dealing with challenging water, i.e. stormwater, groundwater, etc. How to choose? Lifecycle costs, and sustainability – where does the waste go?
- Gaining insight into the future of the regulatory environment and potential impacts to business. The panel will review how the industry (metal plating, fabric, chemical plant, etc.) is responding to increased regulation for PFAS in industrial wastewater?
- Reviewing current accepted options for PFAS waste disposal. The webinar discussion will answer key questions, including: Does the EPA have a plan for testing air stacks for PFAS at incineration facilities?
About ECT2
ECT2, a Montrose Environmental Group company, is a leading provider of technology solutions for removing difficult-to-treat contaminants from water and vapor using a proprietary, cost-effective approach that leverages the properties of synthetic resins to enable efficient analyte removal and on-site regeneration.With successful applications deployed around the world for water and vapor contaminants – including per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), 1,4-dioxane, and specialty Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) – ECT2’s systems have achieved industry-leading uptime and delivered contaminant removal to concentrations well below regulatory- and client-specified limits.
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