Nevada Guv Slams Trump Over Indoor Rally: ‘Shameful, Dangerous And Irresponsible’
Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) blasted President Donald Trump on Sunday night for flouting the state’s restrictions on large gatherings by holding an indoor campaign rally amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a statement posted on Twitter, Sisolak accused Trump of “taking reckless and selfish actions that are putting countless lives in danger” with the event in Henderson that night, which violated Nevada’s restrictions on gatherings of more than 50 people.
“As usual, he doesn’t believe the rules apply to him,” the governor tweeted.
Sisolak blasted the rally, which also saw few masks being worn by Trump’s supporters, as an “insult to every Nevadan who has followed the directives, made sacrifices, and put their neighbors before themselves.”
“At a time when Nevada is focused on getting our economy back on track and protecting public health, the President’s actions this weekend are shameful, dangerous and irresponsible,” the governor wrote.
The campaign event was Trump’s first indoor rally held entirely indoors since the rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma in June.
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COVID-19 Tracking Project (updated data on testing and infections in the U.S.).
Johns Hopkins Global COVID-19 Survey (most up to date numbers globally and for countries around the world).
Worldometers.info (extensive source of information and data visualizations on COVID-19 Crisis — discussion of data here).