Fitzpatrick welcomes €155,000 funding for local towns and villages - Talk of the Town


Local TD Peter Fitzpatrick has welcomed the news that much needed funding has been allocated to local towns and villages in the area from COVID-19 adaptation supports.

Speaking this morning Deputy Peter Fitzpatrick welcomed the news that Louth is to receive funding of €155,000 for essential projects.

Deputy Fitzpatrick said: “This Funding will help communities shop, socialise and work safely during Covid-19.

“The pandemic has hit local businesses hard, and this funding is very important.

“The focus of the funding is on measures and interventions that help towns and villages to adapt to social distancing requirements and to provide safe environments that encourage people into towns and villages to shop and socialise.”

The following project have been approved locally for funding under the second round of the enhanced Town and Village Renewal Scheme that supports towns and villages to respond and adapt to COVID-19: