Random: Can You Hear That? Sounds Like Super Mario Galaxy 2 Music In 3D All-Stars

A starry sign?


If you watch the latest episode of Nintendo Minute, you'll see it's all about next week's release Super Mario 3D All-Stars. There's even some footage of it, and well... let's just say part of this video has sent viewers into a bit of a frenzy.

You see, around the 20-second mark, there's a clip of the game's title screen that supposedly plays music from Super Mario Galaxy 2. Below is a cut version of the video:

@DreamcastGuy "The Super Mario 3D All-Stars Collection uses the Super Mario Galaxy 2 music on the start screen but Nintendo refused to put Mario Galaxy 2 in the collection and I am screaming lolololol"

Nintendo Switch subreddit user LittleLeaf2 noted how the same clip played the "SMG2 Remix of the Power star theme" instead of the original Super Mario Galaxy one.

"In the Nintendo minute 3D All-Stars gameplay they showed off the title screen which uses the SMG2 Remix of the Power star theme, as opposed to SMG1."

Of course, there's the possibility it's just an audio edit by Nintendo Minute.

MVG - who runs the YouTube Channel Modern Vintage Gamer, also pointed out how the same intro seemingly showed Super Mario 64 in widescreen, whereas the game itself in the All-Stars version is actually a classic 4:3 resolution.

"Wide Screen Mario 64 and Galaxy 2 music during the intro? Nintendo is just messing with us now"

So, what do you think about this discovery? Is this a sign of things to come, assuming it hasn't been edited in? Share your thoughts down below.

[source youtu.be, via reddit.com]

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