Microsoft's task manager app for iOS receives a new feature and an update


The Microsoft To Do app allows users to create tasks to manage in the cloud. It includes a Daily Planner called My Day which gets each day off to a good start with reminders and suggestions about tasks that need to be completed. And because of the cross-platform nature of the app, you can quickly add a new task while out. And the list can be shared with friends and family members who are willing to help you get your chores done.
With the Microsoft To Do app, tasks are turned into simple steps for users to follow. Complete each step one by one and even the most arduous listing can be completed. With each task, you can set due dates and reminders. Consider the To Do app to be a digital version of the string that you tie around your finger so as not to forget something important that is on your schedule. Microsoft To Do is available online directly from your browser ( or via the App Store for iOS devices and the Google Play Store for Android phones and tablets.
According to MSPoweruser, the iOS version of Microsoft To Do has been updated to version 2.26. A new feature allows users to seamlessly navigate from tasks created in the Microsoft Outlook app to task details found in the To Do app. Issues that have prevented To Do users from logging into the app have been fixed, and the update exterminates some accessibility bugs in order to improve the VoiceOver feature. The latter reads the screen for those with a vision problem.

The My Day screen for the Microsoft To Do app gets your day off to a more productive start by suggesting and recommending tasks
Task manager apps are great for those who need help getting organized. If being a procrastinator is your issue, the app might be able to give you the swift kick in the butt you need in order to get things done.