Alma-Tadema: classic seduction exhibition in the Fries Museum in LeeuwardenPhoto: @FriesMuseum / Twitter

Museum visits still lagging behind due to confusion over Covid rules


Low visitor numbers is currently the greatest concern for 63 percent of museums in the Netherlands, according to a study by the Museum Association. Many people are still reluctant to visit the museum and the association largely attributes this to concerns over the coronavirus and confusion about what rules apply in museums.

A survey done by Validators and Terra Nova Partners in Onderzoek for the association showed that 98 percent of respondents consider museum visits relaxing and 70 percent believe visiting a museums can be done safely and responsibly. But despite this, museum visits have fallen across the Netherlands. 

The Museum Association, which covers over 400 museums in the Netherlands, largely attributes this to confusion about the coronavirus rules and measures museums are taking to guarantee safety. Many respondents said that they would more likely go to a museum if it offered fixed walking routes, in order to spread crowds. This is a measure that many museums already use. Many respondents also indicated that having to make a reservation first stands in the way of them spontaneously visiting a museum. But almost 70 percent of museums say that they welcome drop ins, according to the association. 

"Given the uncertainty people can feel during this period, the Museum Association understands the need for security and clarity," the association said. It stressed that people can find out more about what rules are in place in which museums by looking at the site