Miley Cyrus Speaks Out on the Importance of Young People Casting Their Votes
- In a new interview with Nova 96.9's Fitzy and Wippa, Miley Cyrus spoke out on the importance of voting.
- She said that she hopes young people hit the polls come Election Day in November.
Miley Cyrus wants her peers to get out and vote.
The singer spoke out on the importance of this year's election during a new interview on Nova 96.9's Fitzy & Wippa show. During the conversation, Cyrus described the upcoming presidential election as potentially the most crucial election she will experience in her lifetime.
"Listen I'm 27, and I know I've never experienced an election this important in my life and hopefully not again in my lifetime," declared Cyrus. "I can't express the importance enough, especially if young people getting out there and being active and making sure that their friends, their family are voting and have the information about whether it's mailing in, about the state of our country right now. It's just crucial that we get out there and make changes, and we have someone fit for the job of running our country."
The singer went on to express her hope that the younger generation will band together to hit the polls come November.
"I think young people are really stepping up to the plate, really taking charge and getting mobilized working and advocating tirelessly," she said. "I really think so, I think that you know it's kind of rock bottom here right now. I think it's desperate times, I think people will really step up. I don't believe in don't worry be happy, I believe that worry is healthy. Worry is why we are washing our hands, wearing our masks, keeping our distance. I believe in realism and not saying everything is going to be okay."
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