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BITSAT Admit Card 2020 released on bitsadmission.com- download link & details available here
BITSAT Admit Card 2020 released. Candidates can download the admit card through the official site of BITS at bitsadmission.com. Direct link and other details here.
by Papri ChandaBirla Institute of Technology & Science, BITS, Pilani has released BITSAT Admit Card 2020 on September 13, 2020. The admit card is available on the official site of BITS at bitsadmission.com. Candidates who will appear for the examination can download their admit card through the official site till September 23, 2020.
The BITSAT 2020 exam will be conducted for admission to all undergraduate programmes in the institute. The computer-based examination would be held online. BITSAT 2020 examination is a 3-hour examination comprising of subjects including Physics, Chemistry, English Proficiency, Logical Reasoning, Mathematics, and Biology. Candidates who have passed the Class 12 Board exam can only appear for the admission examination.
BITSAT Admit Card 2020: How to downloadÂ
Candidates who want to download the admit card can follow these simple steps given below.
- Visit the official site of BITS at bitsadmission.com.
- Click on BITSAT Admit Card 2020 link available on the home page.
- A new page will open where candidates can enter the user ID and password.
- Click on submit and the admit card will be displayed on the screen.
- Check the admit card and download the page.
- Keep a hard copy of the same for further need.
The BITS Slot Booking process ended on September 11, 2020. Students had to book a slot for the examination who will appear for the examination. Earlier the examination was postponed twice due to the pandemic. Candidates can visit the official site for more related details.