Jack Burkman’s Latest Hoax Appears To Be A Faked FBI Raid On His Home
Editor’s note: Fool me once … This story has been rewritten to reflect the increasing evidence that no FBI raid in fact happened.
The latest bogus scheme pushed by two notorious right-wing hoaxsters appears to be a faked FBI raid on one of the hoaxsters, Jack Burkman’s home.
The Daily Beast reported Monday the account of an actor who said he was solicited via a Craiglist ad to show up at Burkman’s house and film a pseudo-raid.
The Beast backed up the account of one of the actors with emails and other documents that connected the scheme to Jacob Wohl, Burkman’s usual partner in their notorious smear jobs.
The Daily Beast report came not long after the Washington Post reported on Burkman’s claims that he had been raided by the FBI. TPM picked up that report.
After initially reporting the alleged raid, the Washington Post reporter tweeted her doubts as to whether the raid in fact happened.
Over the years, Burkman and Wohl have attempted schemes to smear various foes of President Trump that have gone horribly awry. They’ve claimed to have found accusers who could speak out with sensational allegations against special counsel Robert Mueller, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), among others, only to have those accusers bail or later admit to reporters that they were misled by Burkman and Wohl.
Wohl faces felony charges in California related to a securities transaction that predated his shenanigans in the political world.
Before their latest gambit, Burkman and Wohl were in the news yet again last month after robocalls claiming to be linked to their group spread racially charged misinformation about mail-in voting in Detroit.
Burkman denied involvement in those calls.
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