Daniel Andrews inspires $1m conservative gift


Meet the man who just donated a record $1 million to Advance Australia, the conservative opponent of left-wing lobby group GetUp.

Concerned over tough COVID-19 restrictions, corporate hypocrisy on social values – such as that displayed by Rio Tinto – and growing Chinese interference, former fund manager Simon Fenwick told The Australian Financial Review he felt compelled to act.

Simon Fenwick is donating $1 million to Advance Australia because he thinks politics has leaned to far to the left.  AFR

“I’m concerned that Australia’s freedom, prosperity and security is being undermined by left-wing agendas and that a strong counter-voice is needed,” Mr Fenwick said.

"COVID has exacerbated the problem, with dictatorial politicians like Victoria’s Daniel Andrews using the pandemic to increase their power, at tremendous cost to Victorian workers, businesses and taxpayers."

"As Pericles said, 'just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you'.”

Mr Fenwick's donation is billed as Australia’s largest single contribution to a centre-right campaign organisation on record (political parties such as the Liberals have received bigger donations and rival GetUp received a $1.1 million donation from the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union in 2012).

Mr Fenwick said the latest COVID-19 responses in Victoria and Queensland were an example of how the left side of politics could get just as heavy-handed as the right.

"Victoria has resorted to a jackboot approach," he said, "As far as Queensland and Victoria is concerned you have leaders that have no private-sector experience. They are basically run by unions and bureaucrats and are now completely out of their depth in responding. "

"I personally think Scott Morrison may have to lead more – he can't just allow Queensland and Victoria to self-destruct."

Mr Fenwick supports a number of philanthropic causes such as wildlife conservation but also education. He donates to Indigenous scholarship program Yalari and supports disadvantaged students at his former school, Brisbane Grammar.

He said donating to Advance Australia was a better option than the two major political parties.

"I decided to donate to Advance Australia instead of the political parties because we still need to be able to criticise the Prime Minister."

After working for EY in Australia and investment banks Societe Generale and BNP Paribas in London, Mr Fenwick co-founded the multi-billion dollar US-based International Value Advisors in which he still owns a stake but has since retired from.

"I've watched socialism fail all around the world as an investor and that's probably made me lean towards conservative side of politics."

He thinks the latest brooms to go through Rio Tinto, QBE, Westpac and AMP all reflect the hypocrisy of companies pushing social agendas but not living up to basic standards.

"No one would want Rio to bulldoze an ancient cave. I think companies have lost their reference point on corporate governance," he said.

"Rio was out encouraging their customers to go carbon-free to deflect criticism of their own company and appease special interest groups."

"I think a lot of corporates are trying to game the system. Take Telstra, they know they are probably not going to meet their profit targets so they using ESG to hit bonus targets instead. Companies basically use ESG to try and deflect criticism and game the system."

His views on Chinese interference are also cautious but clear.

After the Financial Review revealed a Chinese military contractor compiled profiles on more than 35,000 Australians and was boasting of its capacity to wage "hybrid warfare" via social media, Mr Fenwick said a tougher stance was needed.

"I would say we have to do everything we can to develop alternative markets because we can't sacrifice our sovereignty. Once you give that up you struggle to ever get it back."

"Many left-wing politicians have been seduced by socialist agendas and no longer represent their working class routes. Debate is being shut down in many universities and schools. They would rather discuss climate change than encourage businesses to hire," he said.

Advance Australia executive director Matthew Sheahan thanked Mr Fenwick and said his donation would bolster the growth of the 65,000-member group.

“It’s so important that the voice of mainstream Australia is heard at a time when the left want to make COVID restrictions the norm because they think it helps the climate and their nanny state welfare-dependant goals,” Mr Sheahan said.