Khupe’s MDC-T recalls 11 MDC Alliance Councillors
by Staff ReporterMDC-T Acting President Thokozani Khupe has expelled 11 city councillors in Harare. A letter from the Local Government minister July Moyo has instructed the town clerk to inform the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission that the wards are now vacant.
In a statement the MDC Alliance said: In a continuation of the assault on the will of the people by Mnangagwa & his proxies, a further 11 councillors have been recalled from Harare City Council. This has nothing to do with constitutionalism or service delivery but is a reprisal for the election of Jacob Mafume.
The timing of the expulsion has sold out the strategy. The said expulsions violate the MDC constitution. Fundamentally, Khupe’s mandate even from the SC judgment long expired.
There’s no legal basis for these counter-productive “recalls” that are costly to the electorate.