Unlock 4: Gyms, Yoga Institutes allowed to reopen in Delhi except in containment zones; here are important guidelines
Gyms and Yoga Institutes across the national capital Delhi have been allowed on Sunday (September 13) to reopen their doors to the public with immediate effect, as part of the arrangements to reopen the economy in the fourth phase of unlocking of Unlock 4.
by DNA Web TeamGyms and Yoga Institutes across the national capital Delhi have been allowed on Sunday (September 13) to reopen their doors to the public with immediate effect, as part of the arrangements to reopen the economy in the fourth phase of unlocking of Unlock 4.
The Delhi government clarified that the opening of the Gyms and yoga institutes are subject to strict compliance with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) earlier issued by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
In addition to this, the Delhi government also announced that the weekly market per day per zone in all three Municipal Corporations/NDMC/Cantonment Board will be allowed from September 14 to 30, except in containment zones.
The earlier guidelines issued by the Centre for gyms and Yoga centres detail protocols and preventive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 amid the utmost safety since yoga and physical activity is important for health and well-being.
The guidelines aim to minimize all possible physical contacts between staff, members, and visitors and maintain social distancing and other preventive and safety measures in the context of COVID-19.
COVID-19 safety guidelines for Gyms, Yoga Centres:
- Entrance to have mandatory hand hygiene (sanitizer dispenser) and thermal screening provisions.
- Only asymptomatic persons (including staff) shall be allowed on the premises.
- Persons above 65 years of age, persons with co-morbidities, pregnant women, and children below the age of 10 years are advised not to use gyms in closed spaces. Organizations managing the yoga institute and gymnasiums shall advise all members, visitors, and staff accordingly.
- The use of face covers/masks is mandatory at all times within the premises. However, during yoga exercise or exercising in gymnasiums, as far as possible only a visor may be used. Use of mask (in particular N-95 masks) during exercise may cause difficulty in breathing.
- Installation and use of the Aarogya Setu app shall be advised to all.
- Individuals must maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet as far as feasible.
- Staggering class session times and allowing a minimum of 15-30 minutes between batches to avoid overlap between members arriving and leaving.
- Details of check-in and check-out times of members and visitors must be recorded (name, address, and phone number).
- In yoga institutes, shoes/footwear are to be preferably taken off outside the premises where yoga exercises are done. If needed, they should be kept in separate slots for each individual/family by the persons themselves.