Debian-based deepin Linux 20 is here, and it's prettier than Windows 10 and macOS


Back in April, we told you about the deepin 20 Beta. That Linux distribution is very special because of just how beautiful it is. No, the operating system is not only about appearance (it is excellent overall), but it shows that Linux can be just as pretty as macOS and Windows 10. Hell, it is arguably more attractive than Microsoft's and Apple's desktop operating systems.

And now, the stable version of deepin 20 is finally here! This version of the operating system is based on Debian 10.5 and is loaded with new features and bug fixes. For instance, it has enhanced biometric support, allowing you to use your fingerprint -- a fairly rare thing in the Linux world. The new installer should be easier than ever, and if you have an NVIDIA GPU, you can opt to install closed-source drivers. Best of all, the app manager is simplified further, improving the discovery and installation of apps.

"deepin 20 (1002) comes with a unified design style and redesigns the desktop environment and applications, bringing a brand new visual look. Besides that, the underlying repository is upgraded to Debian 10.5, and the system installation supports dual kernels - Kernel 5.4 and Kernel 5.7, which greatly improve system stability and compatibility. What is more, it provides a new launcher, the latest preinstalled applications, enhanced fingerprint support and system security, all of which ensures better user experiences," explain the developers.

The devs further say, "The new design introduces ingenious colorful icons, fresh graphics interface, natural and smooth animation effects, unique rounded-corner windows, and exquisite multitask view. All of them build a fashion and user-friendly desktop environment. The upgraded notification settings support playing a sound when the message comes, showing messages on lock screen, showing messages or not in notification center, showing message preview, and setting different reminding levels for various applications. Users can customize the settings in order to receive all important messages and avoid unnecessary interruptions."

The deepin developers share the changes below, and it is a massive list.

New and upgraded features

Bug fixes and improvements


Control Center

Window Manager



Voice Notes


App Store

Print Manager


Device Manager

Archive Manager

Document Viewer

System Monitor

Log Viewer

Text Editor

Package Installer


Third-party Apps


System Updates (V20 (1001) to V20 final release)


Control Center

Window Manager

System Installer



App Store

Archive Manager

Log Viewer

Text Editor



If you want to download deepin 20, you can grab an ISO here. If you do try it, please tell me in the comments below if you agree it is one of the most beautiful operating systems. Windows and Mac users will be very surprised.

Photo credit:  ESB Professional /Shutterstock