Jilted fiance is guilty of stabbing his estranged partner to death in front of her mother as she begged him to kill her instead
by Jack Wright For Mailonline- Jigukumar Sorthi, 23, stabbed Bhavini Pravin, 21, to death in a revenge attack
- Bhavini was knifed multiple times in front of her mother at home in Leicester
- Sorthi implicated himself in the stabbing to police less than two hours later
- Her grieving parents described devout Hindu Bhavini as the family 'goddess'
- Sorthi will be jailed for life when he is sentenced on Wednesday

A jilted fiancé has been found guilty of stabbing his estranged partner to death in front of her mother after she called off their arranged marriage.
Jigukumar Sorthi, 23, plunged a kitchen knife into Bhavini Pravin's chest, knee and back during a revenge attack in her Leicester home on March 2.
A court heard that Bhavini, 21, was stabbed multiple times and was pronounced dead on her living room floor despite desperate attempts by paramedics to save her.
Sorthi launched the frenzied attack the day after Bhavini had called off their wedding ceremony because she was concerned about her partner's drinking.
He failed to turn up to work the following day and took the blade to Bhavini's address in Leicester at around 12.30pm. Once inside they talked before he viciously stabbed the victim four times as her mother begged him to kill her instead.
Bhavini was stabbed once in the chest and once in the knee as she curled up into a ball to protect herself before being knifed twice in the back.
Sorthi was then caught on CCTV running away from the scene on foot following the murder after dropping the knife on the street outside.
The factory worker then turned up at a police station where he confessed to the attack and admitted his 'life had been ruined'.
Sorthi, who lived in Leicester after moving from India, denied murder and claimed diminished responsibility as a result of loss of control.
But a jury of seven women and five men found him guilty of murder following a two week trial after just one hour of deliberations at Leicester Crown Court on Friday.
He will be jailed for life when he is sentenced at the same court on Wednesday.

Detective Inspector Kenny Henry, from East Midlands Special Operations Unit said afterwards: 'This was a vicious attack on a defenceless young woman.
'Bhavini Pravin was 21 years old with her whole life ahead of her, instead it has been cruelly taken away by an act so brutal it doesn't bear thinking about. Her family have said that a light has gone out in their lives and remain devastated by her death.'
Following the case, Bhavini's father Pravin Babu released a statement on behalf of their devastated family and told how their lives had been 'shattered beyond repair'.
He said: 'Our daughter was only 21 years old when she was murdered.
'She was a good daughter. She attended college and later worked alongside me supporting the family - keeping a roof over our heads and food on our table.
'When our Bhavini was born, we felt that all of our prayers had been answered. She was the 'Laxmi' (Goddess) of our family.
'Growing up she gave us so much joy and purpose. She was our inspiration to better ourselves and to build a future.
'Soon after, our two sons, Krutesh and Yagnesh, were born. Even from a young age, Bhavini doted on her little brothers.
'Yagnesh looked up to his older sister and lovingly called her 'Tahndi' (calm). We decided to move to England so that we could give our children a better future.
'Bhavini and I worked on the same production line for four years.

'We would come and go from work together. We would laugh and joke as she jogged along and I rode my bicycle. She would accompany my wife everywhere.
'People often commented that they looked like sisters. They would get ready together, share clothes and were each other's best friend.
'Her first word was 'Mummy'.
'Bhavini was a devout Hindu who took her faith very seriously. She led a peaceful, selfless life. She had a naturally loving, gentle and caring nature. She loved the many colourful Hindu festivals - she was always the life and soul of the party.
'As parents our aspirations were that our daughter would get a good education, pursue her childhood career choice of nursing, marry the man of her dreams, have a family and live happily ever after.
'When Jigu became engaged to our daughter, we trusted him to cherish, love and look after her forever. She was so precious to us.
'We showed Jigu nothing but love and acceptance. We brought him to England to give him a better life. We supported him, housed him.
'And how did Jigu return our kindness - he repaid us by killing our beloved Bhavini.
'Our faith tells us that it is God's wish that we are only put on earth to serve a purpose. Bhavini must have served her purpose.
'She brought us so much joy for the short time that we were blessed with having her in our lives but at 21 she was still finding her feet and making her way in life.
'Our lives have been shattered beyond repair. Only our faith and belief is keeping us going. My sons will never forget the horror they faced that day.
'I will always regret not being there to prevent what happened and my wife will never forget our daughter's final word to her as she took her last breath, 'Mummy'.'