Metrolinx warns trips and falls could be associated with ill-fitting masks
by News StaffWith more people returning to school or the office, GO Transit is starting to get busier, but that’s also coinciding with an increase in accidents.
Are masks to blame?
Spokesperson Anne Marie Aikins tells 680 News that Metrolinx has seen a 30 percent spike in reports of trips and falls with many of them happening on staircases.
“We’re all wearing masks and if you wear a mask, especially if it’s ill-fitting, your peripheral vision and depth perception can be slightly off,” Aikins said.
“We’re noticing some increases in trips and falls and we’re trying to prevent that.”
Aikins says for anyone concerned about holding the hand rails, fear not.
“Don’t worry about touching the railings because we’re washing them frequently throughout the day and we have hand sanitizer available, whether it’s on a bus, train, or at a station.”
Masks or face coverings are mandatory for riders and staff.
Aikens says commuters are slowly getting back on board with the numbers up 18 percent since the 90 percent pandemic plunge.