Plans lodged for 257 new homes on the Dublin Road - Talk of the Town


Plans for full planning permission have been lodged for 257 new homes on the Dublin Road.

An application for Stage 3 of the Strategic Housing Development has been lodged by PJ & EJ Doherty Ltd, developers of the existing Earlsfort estate.

A previous stage 2 application for 233 new homes on the Dublin Road at Haggardstown was previously accepted by An Bord Pleanála in April with the Bord determining that there “is reasonable application basis” for them to proceed with a full request for planning permission.

The development consists of 257 residential units along with a creche and community building, measuring 309sqm.

While the number of units has increased by 24 from the Stage Two application, the developers are proposing to reduce the number of houses from 178 to 163 and increase the number of apartments/duplexes from 55 to 94.

The 163 dwellings will comprise of 57 two bed semi-detached dwellings, 76 three bed semi-detached dwellings, 5 three bed terraced dwellings, 13 four bed semi-detached dwellings and 12 four bed detached dwellings.
The entrance to the site off the Dublin Road

There will also be 94 apartments/duplex units consisting of 19 one bed units, 38 two bed units and 37 three bed units.

The plans also include the provision of associated car parking areas at surface level via a combination of in-curtilage parking for dwellings and via on-street parking for the creche, duplexes and apartments. There will also be the provision of four electric vehicle charge points adjacent to the creche/community building with associated site infrastructure ducting to provide charge points for residents throughout the site.

The developers are also hoping to provide bicycle storage spaces with associated enclosures both at surface level throughout the site and bicycle storage facilities within apartment blocks 1 & 2.

They plan to use existing access from the Dublin Road to access the proposed houses with associated upgrade works to facilitate vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access along with the provision of a right-turning lane. They are also seeking to provide internal access roads and footpaths and associated connections to the existing Earlsfort residential estate.

Also planned are residential communal open space areas (including formal play areas) including all hard and soft landscape works with public lighting, planting and boundary treatments to include boundary walls, railings and fencing, the provision of two ESB substations, internal site works and attenuation systems to include a hydrocarbon and silt interceptor on the storm network prior to discharge to the adjacent watercourse and all ancillary site development/construction works.

As this is a Strategic Housing Development, a decision on the application will be made by An Bord Pleanála with a decision due by November 30th.