Trump rips Biden over alleged teleprompter use in James Corden interview
by Emily JacobsPresident Trump is reviving the discussion over whether Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden relies on a teleprompter during interviews.
Taking to Twitter Monday, the commander-in-chief first retweeted GOP operative Arthur Schwartz, who called on journalists with mainstream media organizations to question the Biden campaign about alleged teleprompter use.
Included was a screenshot from the former vice president’s April appearance on CBS’ “The Late Late Show with James Corden,” where he got emotional sharing some family photos.
While holding up one of the framed pictures, a reflection could be seen off the glass covering the photo.
The reflection showed a teleprompter turned on, despite the fact that the two men were taking part in a casual interview.
Trump then tweeted of his 2020 rival, “His handlers and the Fake News Media are doing everything possible to get him through the Election. Then he will resign, or whatever, and we are stuck with a super liberal wack job that NOBODY wanted!”
Just after the teleprompter became visible during the interview with Corden, the Democratic presidential hopeful became deeply emotional, something that is common for him when discussing his deceased son, Beau.
Talking about the photo, which showed Biden flanked by his sons, Beau and Hunter, the former vice president began to cry.
“You know, I’m really lucky. I’m really lucky to have great kids, so I was fortunate, fortunate,” Biden said, audibly choking up.
The interview remained emotional, with Biden going on to thank Corden for the conversation and those who had been “so good” to him before going off on extended remarks about “heroes,” without any specifics about whom exactly he was talking about.
“Anyway, I wish everyone else good health and thank you for taking the time to be with me. And I want to thank all the people who have been so good to me when I had been through some tough times.
“As I said to you earlier, [there are a] lot of heroes out there, who have been through a hell of a lot more than I’ve gone through and just get up every single solitary morning and put one foot in front of the other. And they have nobody, nobody but they do it. I just, I marvel at the soul of the country, I really do,” the former vice president said.
While Biden did not appear to be on script during the intense moment, it is unclear why the teleprompter appeared on if it was not being used.
Asked about allegations that the Democratic candidate used a teleprompter by Fox News’ Bret Baier last Thursday, Biden’s campaign press secretary refused to answer the question.
Biden’s press secretary, TJ Ducklo, told Baier that he would not answer the question, arguing it was a “distraction” from the Trump campaign.
“We are not going to — this is straight from the Trump campaign talking points. And what it does, Bret, is it’s trying to distract the American people from …,” Ducklo said before Baier interrupted, asking him to answer “yes” or “no.”
“They talk about it every day, Bret, because they don’t have a coherent strategy … they talk about it every day because they don’t have a coherent argument for why Donald Trump deserves re-election, deserves four more years,” Ducklo responded.
“We know that he lied to the American people. We know that he has not shown leadership during this crisis and they are desperate to throw anything they can against the wall to try to distract from that fact,” he said, ultimately refusing to answer the question before Baier moved on to another topic.