JEE Mains Exam: 14 from MP's Burhanpur secure 99 percentile


Burhanpur: Students of Macrovision Academy have brought laurels to the institution once again as 179 students successfully cleared JEE Mains Exam with 14 of them scored 99 per centile.

Those who scored 99 per centile are Geet Dasani, Dhananjay Raghuvanshi, Arsh Mahajan, Vansh Agrawal, Rahul Agrawal, Mudit Neema, Anil Jain, Shreyansh Sonkusley, Ayush Tapadiya, Mayur Panwar, Sanskar Agrawal, Lukesh Patil, Harsh Bangh and Abhay Parihar.

This year, as many 295 students from the institution appeared in the exam. Beside, 113 students scored more than 90 per centile. Now the selected students will appeared in the JEE Advanced which will be held on September 27 to ensure their place in the prestigious engineering institutions like IIT, CFTI, NIT and others across the country.

Academy director Anand Prakash Chowksey and Manjusha Chowksey, Kabir Chowksey, principal Jasveer Singh Parmar and entire academic staff members congratulated students and wished them for next exam.

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