Tamil Nadu cadre officer locks horns with IPS Association over RSS tweet

Senior IPS officer Sandeep Mittal of Tamil Nadu cadre has locked horns with the IPS Association after the bureaucrats’ group unfollowed him on Twitter apparently after his explicit right-wing views shared on the social media platform.

Sandeep Mittal

Chennai: As on Sunday, the official handle of Indian Police Service (Central) Association was only following 1,075 people and the handle has 7,36,000 followers. Service rules prohibit IPS officers from publicly supporting any political outfit.

Reacting to the IPS Association decision, Mittal, now an additional DGP attached to the Central government and posted in Delhi, tweeted, “IPS association belonged to us. Can @IPS_ Association tell me who took the decision to unfollow @smittal_ips. Is it being run by a private company?”

His tweets in support of the RSS ideology had already raised many an eyebrow. According to an officer, Mittal, must have been tweeting in favour of RSS to be in their good books . However, Mittal denied it and said he has been unbiased throughout his career. “I will not allow anybody to paint me any colour. I am not supporting any political party. I am a person of Tricolour. I just want to know why they unfollowed me in Twitter,” he said when contacted.

The IPS officer had been embroiled in controversy earlier after his alleged ‘likes’ for porn content from his handle during anti-CAA stirs after he tweeted against Farhan Akhtar. The officer had then clarified that his handle had been ‘hacked’.

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