Fox News' Lara Logan has some wild theories about U.S. riots and China


Lara Logan, a host on Fox News' streaming spinoff Fox Nation, spouted some outrageous and baseless theories on Monday about recent U.S. protests that turned violent.

After two Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputies were critically injured in a shooting Saturday, Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade questioned why something like this would happen even though it "seems to help President Trump" and his insistence that law enforcement is under attack. This question, Logan said, is "something the intelligence community is wrestling with" right now.

With a baseless claim that violent extremists are "targeting white people every day," Logan surmised someone who didn't care about white people's votes was encouraging that violence and "benefits" from it. She first suggested that, because Democratic mayors aren't stopping violence in some cities, "it benefits them in some way." And it also benefits "the Communist party of China and Marxists," Logan continued, giving absolutely no evidence of how it helps them nor any evidence China is encouraging protests.

Protests against racism and police brutality in the U.S. have gone on for months, and have turned violent when armed vigilantes and opposing groups have arrived.