Liberty High School is seen May 19, 2011, at Linden Street and East Elizabeth Avenue.
2 Bethlehem schools report COVID-19 cases
by Sara K. Satullo, The Express-Times, Easton, PaTwo Bethlehem Area School District schools reported COVID-19 cases this weekend, although the schools will remain open, according to an alert sent home to parents.
On Sunday, the district was notified of a case at Liberty High School and a case at Governor Wolf Elementary School. The district reported its first case at Donegan Elementary School on Sept. 2.
After consulting with local public health officials, school officials determined there is no need to close either school at this time. The classroom and spaces used by the individual will be closed off, cleaned and disinfected according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.
Anyone who may have come in close contact -- defined as within six-feet of an infected individual for at least 15 minutes -- will be contacted directly by the Bethlehem Health Bureau and/or district health services staff with instructions to self-quarantine.
Monday is a virtual learning day for all district students.
Bethlehem has a COVID-19 dashboard on its website, although the two new cases are not yet reflected.
Students and parents with concerns should contact district Supervisor of Health Services Dr. Kim Brannan at Staff should contact Carole Hall at
On Thursday, St. Luke’s University Health Network announced a partnership with Bethlehem Area School District to provide expedited medical evaluations and priority processing of COVID-19 testing.
A handful of Lehigh Valley schools have reported cases since schools reopened in late August.
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