Coronavirus Scotland: Officers at Wishaw Police Station self-isolating after testing positive for Covid
by David IrvineOFFICERS at Wishaw Police Station are self-isolating after testing positive for coronavirus.
NHS Lanarkshire revealed a "small number" of officers tested Covid positive with contact tracing being carried out.
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All of those who have the virus and their close contacts are self-isolating.
The station remains open despite the small cluster of confirmed cases.
Dr Martin Donaghy, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, said in a statement reported by the Glasgow Times: “NHS Lanarkshire has conducted a contact tracing exercise for anyone who had close contact with a small number of officers from Police Scotland who tested positive for coronavirus (Covid-19) infection.
“To date, a small number of cases and their contacts have been identified.
"All are self-isolating.
“Outside of this group, the risk to others is the same as the general risk that exists within the general community.
“To respect and maintain patient confidentiality it is not possible to release any further information at this time.
“We wish to remind people of the key symptoms of Covid-19 - new continuous cough, high temperature and/or loss of taste and smell.
“Anyone who develops any of these symptoms should book a test and self-isolate immediately.”
A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Police Scotland is following Scottish Government and health guidance and where cases of coronavirus are identified, we work with the local health board and adhere to Test and Protect procedures.”