Student at Sunderland's Academy 360 secondary school tests positive for coronavirus
Teachers at the Portsmouth Road school say they've identified all those who have been in close contact with the infected child
by Hannah GrahamA teenager has tested positive for coronavirus at a Sunderland school.
One student in Year 10 at Academy 360 has contracted the virus, a letter to parents confirmed on Monday.
The student, as well as anyone who has been in "close contact with them", is now self-isolating.
However, other students and teachers are safe to continue attending school.
In a letter to parents, Principal Rachel Donohue said: "We have carried out a full risk assessment and identified all those who have been in close contact with the affected case and have recommended that they stay at home and self-isolate.
"All other year groups and Year 10 students who have not had close contact do not need to make any changes to their usual routine, including school attendance.
"The most common symptoms of Covid-19 are a recent onset of a new continuous cough and/or a high temperature and/or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).
"If your child, or anyone in your household, develops those symptoms, your whole household must remain at home and not go to work, school, or public areas. You should arrange testing for the person who has developed symptoms. When the result is known, further advice will be available."
She added: "Please ensure you continue to respect government guidance to ensure that our school and community remain safe."
Academy 360 has already been hit with a case of coronavirus in its primary school.
On Monday, Together for Children, which delivers children’s services on behalf of Sunderland City Council, confirmed that Year 5 of the Academy had been closed, " due to reported cases of covid-19".
A spokesperson for Together for Children said: "In the instance of a pupil or staff member testing positive for covid-19, all advice will continue to be given to schools directly from the Health Protection Team, who are responsible for managing reported cases of coronavirus and providing support and guidance to schools.
"Together for Children will continue to work with schools to help them to manage the situation."