Mystery South Ayrshire EuroMillions jackpot winner comes forward to collect £58m prize money
The winner has come forward almost six months after the draw.
by Ryan Carroll, https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/authors/ryan-carroll/A mystery Scots £58m lottery winner has come forward to claim their jackpot, almost six months after the draw.
The winning EuroMillions ticket was bought somewhere in South Ayrshire.
The prize was technically due to expire at 11.59pm on Sunday, September 13.
But on Monday lunchtime, a Camelot spokeswoman revealed they are now arranging payment to the winner.
The March 17 prize, a cheque for £57,869,670, was claimed at the last minute.
The bumper win has accrued interest, likely to have pushed the total up by around £400,000 to more than £58m even at today's low interest rates.
A spokesperson from Camelot said: "We can confirm that we are currently finalising the validation of a claim made on this prize and are in the process of arranging for payment to be made to the ticket-holder.
"Once the prize has been fully validated and paid, we'll issue confirmation of that - but there will be no further updates before then.
"Please note that we don't comment on the details of individual prize claims and that, unless the winner of a major National Lottery prize opts to take publicity and signs an agreement to that effect, no further information can be released about their win. "