QU-YSC summer training program concludes
Doha: Qatar University’s Young Scientists Center (QU-YSC) concluded the summer training program 2020 entitled “The Environment of smart learning for innovation”, with a ceremony on September 10.
During the ceremony the participating students were honoured while following the precautionary measures and the rules of social distancing. This ceremony marks the end of a distinguished educational journey that combines the work of scientific research and the acquisition of many skills essential to their success in the university education. The ceremony was held at the Qatar University Research Complex with the presence of Dr. Mariam Al Ali Al Maadeed, Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, Dr. Noora Al Thani QU-YSC Director, professors, researchers, and undergraduate students from Qatar University.
The summer undergraduate students’ research internship was held on June 17 through digital platforms, with the participation of 17 students from different scientific majors at Qatar University. The internship duration was of three weeks and included intensive workshops provided by professors and researchers from QU-YSC on the execution of scientific papers, research methodology, and methods for collecting and analysing data.
The participants succeeded in applying what they have learned in executing a scientific research under the supervision of specialists from QU-YSC and they began the procedures for publishing it in scientific journals.
What distinguishes this summer internship is the integration of undergraduate students as mentors for primary, preparatory and secondary students using digital platforms, who in turn participated in their own summer educational program organised by QU-YSC.
The innovative research environment that the Center provided through the internship contributed in providing participants with many skills, such as scientific research skill, critical thinking, problem-solving and the ability to adapt to different approaches of distance learning.
The ceremony also included a speech from the director of QU-YSC, Dr. Noora Al Thani, who praised QU students for their high competencies and abilities in learning and in dealing with challenges of distance learning.
In addition to the ceremony, a panel discussion was conducted in which a number of QU students participated. The focus of the discussion was the important outcomes of the internship and the effect of the internship in enriching the educational experience. At the end of the ceremony, all participants received medals for completing the internship, in addition to distribution of prizes to the distinguished QU students.
Dr. Noora Al Thani, Director of QU-YSC, mentioned in her speech that: “The initiative to organise the summer training program was a positive step that strengthened QU-YSC goals and ambitions”. “One of the most important tasks in any society is to educate and train youth. That is the key to success and progress in building strong society and economy based on knowledge, and this is what the Center pursues for the long term,” she said.