Cyberpunk 2077 to get another Night City Wire next week


I can’t wait for Cyberpunk 2077. I think it’s easily going to be one of the best games of the year and at the same time I’m more than a little apprehensive for it. See, no matter how good the game turns out I have a suspicion that a decent chunk of people are going to absolutely hate it. Mostly because that’s just what people on the internet, and gamers in particular, love to do. I also think CD Projekt Red has hyped their latest game up to such an extent that it’s almost ensured to be a disappointment in some form. Perhaps that’s unfair but the general vibe around this game that I’m picking up from people is that it’s going to be one of the best ever made and that’s a pretty small target to hit. Anyway, I’m getting carried away in this introduction. I’ll save the rest for a feature at some point but for now, let’s talk about that hype rising even higher with another instalment of Night City Wire next week.

Night City Wire has become CDPR’s digital showcase of Cyberpunk 2077, with every episode dealing with different aspects of the game’s world, story or mechanics. Next week’s Night City Wire, which is due to air next Friday, 18 September, at 6PM CAT, will focus more on the world on Night City and provide deeper looks into the variety of gangs that operate the city. Will they be doing that illegally? Most probably.

Cyberpunk is slated for a 19 November release date, just a few days after the launch of the Xbox Series X and S. Will the game be good? Yes, that seems very likely at this point but just how good it will actually be remains to be seen. Obviously.