Why Chitiz Agarwal is the first choice of youth?


Chitiz Agarwal envisions the noble dream of “Digital Bharat” coming true in the near future. Technology is the need of the hour with new inventions and advancements coming in at a lightning speed.
In such an environment, through Techila Academy, Techila Global Services sees a society where everyone is tech-savvy and uses the best of software platforms for carrying out important business processes.
Salesforce is the most popular CRM platform in the world and its demand is increasing every passing day. It is, therefore, extremely important for every small, medium, and large enterprise to start using the platform for automating their marketing and sales processes.
Chitiz Agarwal (https://chitizagarwal.com/) is willing to provide a helping hand in this technical shift with the help of Techila Academy. He sees this venture becoming one of the most trusted and valued training platform when it comes to Salesforce education, switching more and more sales reps to the advanced and automated platform.


Techila Academy is dedicated to providing thorough training to everyone aspiring to learn Salesforce. Its core mission is to train beginners and professionals in mastering Salesforce and prepare them for the market for free.
Chitiz Agarwal started the training platform by hosting several courses and webinars to get every aspiring Salesforce expert on board. Whether one has just started and ventured into the world of Salesforce or has already attained some experience in the industry, Techila Academy trains everyone alike.

Covid and Salesforce Health Checkup ( https://clean.do)

The entire world is struck by a pandemic and every sector of the industry has been facing the brunt of the same. However, businesses and employees are some worst affected entities from Covid-19.
India, being one of the worst affected countries in the world, is seeing millions of salaried employees losing their jobs in a matter of days. This has caused a significant amount of unrest in the community of job-seekers and fresh graduates.
However, this horrific scenario is not to be found in the ecosystem of Salesforce. Despite the Covid-19 situation, Salesforce jobs are not affected. The need and demand for these jobs have increased over time! This is one of the several benefits of Salesforce being a cloud-based and flexible platform.
Almost no Salesforce-related jobs require the employees to risk social distancing and physically be present at the office for working on Salesforce projects. Being a fully cloud-based platform, all the team members can log in from their respective houses and work on their projects without any need for physical interaction. This makes Salesforce jobs a lot safer with a global pandemic around.
Moreover, the need for Salesforce is not going away in the market any time soon. Every small, medium, and big company operating in the market needs to cater to its customers and handle customer database to serve them better.
With the need for providing personalized customer services increasing with time, it is safe to say that Salesforce is only going to get more relevant with time. Owing to this increasing demand for Salesforce, it is natural that Salesforce jobs are far from being affected in the current scenario.

Suitable For All

Techila Academy has courses and webinars that are suitable for everyone. If a recent college graduate (with or without a software engineering background) wants to start learning Salesforce, they can find Salesforce tutorials for beginners that help them dip their toes in the water!
On the other hand, if working engineers or Salesforce professionals are willing to learn advanced tools and update their Salesforce skills, they can be a part of the advanced courses and attend relevant webinars on the training platform

Important For Salesforce Certification

The importance of Salesforce Certification has increased over time. Today, almost every company asks for Salesforce professionals who are certified in their respective areas of expertise.
Salesforce’s certification is an official stamp of approval on one’s skills and proves they have all the knowledge required to master a specific aspect of Salesforce. This certification can be obtained by giving a rather challenging examination.
Techila Academy contains material that would help the learners study for their certification examinations. Aspirants can take a quick course to brush up their skills or take a longer course to understand a subject from scratch.

Taught By Professionals

As mentioned earlier, Techila Academy is an extension of Techila Global Services which has more than eight years of experience in the field of Salesforce. All the expertise gained and skills learned over these years are included in this training platform.
Every course offered is carefully designed by Salesforce experts, making sure that the pace is even and the contents are relevant. The content of the training courses is kept in sync with international standards, preparing the learners for the global market.
Similarly, the webinars are conducted by mentors and professionals who know Salesforce like the back of their hands. The attendees get a personal touch through the interactive webinars, where they can learn some of the most advanced tools in the world while relaxing at their homes!
India is a country having immense potential and talent, where all a person needs are the right resources to learn. Chitiz Agarwal has successfully bridged the gap between potential talent and the right training resource through Techila Academy.