Lockdown impact: Women take to online gaming, splurge on full versions, subscription-based games
Forty one percent of the gamers belonging to the age group of 35 years and above bought subscription-based games during the lockdown
by Maryam FarooquiOne of the most preferred entertainment options during the coronavirus-led lockdown was playing games online, and time spent by female gamers on online games increased significantly, said a report.
According to the recently released WatConsult report, 45 percent of female gamers feel that their online gaming has increased during the lockdown.
The digital agency conducted a survey among a sample size of 816 respondents - across age groups, gender, and cities - who play online games.
An interesting trend in the gaming space witnessed during the lockdown was that while majority of the online gamers opted for free to play games, more females purchased full versions of the games compared to males.
COVID-19 Vaccine
Frequently Asked Questions
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How does a vaccine work?
A vaccine works by mimicking a natural infection. A vaccine not only induces immune response to protect people from any future COVID-19 infection, but also helps quickly build herd immunity to put an end to the pandemic. Herd immunity occurs when a sufficient percentage of a population becomes immune to a disease, making the spread of disease from person to person unlikely. The good news is that SARS-CoV-2 virus has been fairly stable, which increases the viability of a vaccine.
How many types of vaccines are there?
There are broadly four types of vaccine — one, a vaccine based on the whole virus (this could be either inactivated, or an attenuated [weakened] virus vaccine); two, a non-replicating viral vector vaccine that uses a benign virus as vector that carries the antigen of SARS-CoV; three, nucleic-acid vaccines that have genetic material like DNA and RNA of antigens like spike protein given to a person, helping human cells decode genetic material and produce the vaccine; and four, protein subunit vaccine wherein the recombinant proteins of SARS-COV-2 along with an adjuvant (booster) is given as a vaccine.
What does it take to develop a vaccine of this kind?
Vaccine development is a long, complex process. Unlike drugs that are given to people with a diseased, vaccines are given to healthy people and also vulnerable sections such as children, pregnant women and the elderly. So rigorous tests are compulsory. History says that the fastest time it took to develop a vaccine is five years, but it usually takes double or sometimes triple that time.
Females also paid for the subscription-based games more than males.
Along with female gamers, 41 percent of the gamers belonging to the age group of 35 years and above bought subscription-based games during the lockdown.
More time spent on online games
Time spent on online gaming, especially on multiplayer games, increased during the lockdown. Seventy percent of the gamers said their time spent on online gaming increased as compared to their pre-lockdown gaming behaviour.
Online games: Who played and when?
Starting from 12 pm to 4 pm was the most preferred time to play games with 34 percent, while 29 percent of gamers preferred 9 am to 12 pm.
Most of the females preferred to play online games in the afternoon. Young gamers played games in the afternoons and mornings.
Preferred games during the lockdown
Most of the gamers preferred playing action/FPS (first person shooter video games) at 45 percent, followed by racing and sports genre games at 27 percent, puzzle and adventure games at 24 percent and fantasy games at 23 percent.
Plus, majority of the females played action and puzzle games. And young gamers played action games more during the lockdown compared to other genre of games.