NPR Upset a Public Radio Reporter Was Arrested During BLM Riot
by Bronson StockingThe left's war on cops continued Saturday night when a man walked up and shot two LA County Sheriffs deputies sitting in a patrol vehicle. The unknown assailant remains at large, but BLM rioters quickly swarmed the hospital where the two deputies were taken to wish death upon the victims. Protesters called the two injured deputies, a 31-year-old mother and a 24-year-old male, "pigs" and shouted, "We Hope That B*tch Dies" and other profanities outside the hospital as the two-injured deputies fought for their lives. Truly sickening.
An NPR-affiliated station, KPCC in Los Angeles, sent a reporter to the hospital where the leftist mob was blocking the entrance to the emergency room. According to the LA County Sheriff's Department, the reporter interfered with deputies who were arresting a man who refused to disperse from the entrance of the hospital. According to the sheriff's department, the reporter did not identify herself to deputies as a member of the press at the time of her arrest and later admitted that she lacked the proper press credentials on her person.
NPR put out a tweet condemning the arrest of the reporter, Josie Hugan, who NPR claims was only "performing her job." NPR recently promoted a book defending riots and looting.
The reporter tweeted that she was released from county jail early Sunday morning and headed home to rest, warning Twitter that she would be sharing her thoughts and additional videos after reading LA County Sheriff's Department's tweets regarding her arrest.
Americans pay tax dollars to help public radio promote riots and send a reporter to a BLM gathering to allegedly interfere with an arrest. NPR should be removed from the taxpayer's teet immediately. Can Trump redirect the funds to the border wall? Or use the money to help law enforcement undo some of the damage caused by NPR and other liberal media outlets who have been promoting the riots for months?