Rumor Suggests That Ben Affleck Has Been Offered a Batman HBO Max Project
by Vansh MehraBen Affleck Has Been Offered a Batman HBO Max Project:
5 great things had happened to the DCEU this year before the DC FanDome event. The first was the connection of every DC movie & TV universe through The CW’s Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. The second was the report about Michael Keaton appearing as Batman in The Flash. Third – the Snyder cut got greenlit for HBO Max. Fourth, Henry Cavill was confirmed to return as Superman for multiple projects. And the fifth great thing was the announcement that Ben Affleck will return as Batman in The Flash. Out of all these news updates, the last 3 surely hold a great value for the fans who were really looking forward to seeing the original DCEU unfold.

We had a dream of getting multiple Justice League films along with a Man of Steel 2 and a solo Batman project starring Ben Affleck. Warner Bros. have taken a baby step in all 3 directions. We have to wait and see how the Snyder Cut performs on HBO Max, how Superman builds momentum in his upcoming DCEU appearances, and how Ben Affleck’s appearance turns out in The Flash. All of them together could decide the future. But if you think about it, the performance of the Snyder Cut alone can actually make every other dream of ours come true. If it does exceedingly well, not only will Snyder be given an opportunity to direct the sequels to his story, but when people end up loving Superman and Batman in that his film/series, then WB will be enticed to cash in on the momentum generated for those characters.

In fact, we’ve got a new rumor which has suggested that Ben Affleck has already been offered another shot at doing a solo Batman project, and this time it will be on HBO Max. This information comes via Entertainment writer @BlackMajikMan90, who wrote on his tweet:
“HBO Max is interested in some kind of Batfleck continuation.
However, Ben Affleck has not given any sort of decision yet and has not confirmed if he is interested. The ball is in his court.
It also comes down to how The Snyder Cut does for HBO Max.”

Ben Affleck left The Batman because of multiple factors. The first was all the drama around Justice League and what happened behind the scenes with Zack Snyder and the other cast members after he left. Secondly, Affleck was suffering in his personal life as he was battling alcoholism. He was going to drink himself to death if he would have tried to finish his Batman script. So, he stepped down and allowed Matt Reeves to enter the game.

But now that he is in a good space, he not only agreed to return for The Flash but he also offered to have a few changes made in the script. After this, it would make sense for HBO Max to be interested in a solo Batfleck project. Even though they have a lot on their plate, we get that they need more projects like the Snyder Cut, the Justice League Dark series, the Green Lantern series and the Batfleck series. These are projects that will attract a hoard of subscribers. So if there is a chance to make it happen, they will definitely do it, and the Snyder Cut is proof of that.

We’ve been hearing rumors about Ben Affleck getting a solo Batman HBO Max project ever since Zack Snyder’s Justice League was announced. So, there is a chance that this new rumor could be one of those, and until there is an official confirmation from someone, we have to take it as a grain of salt. But at the same time, we also have to keep in mind that so many people are talking about movements around Ben Affleck’s potential HBO Max project. If it’s coming from so many sources, then there has to be an ounce of truth in the matter.

Ultimately, we hope that the Snyder Cut does well because a lot seems to be riding upon it. This Director’s cut carries the potential to either make or break the future of Batfleck and SuperCavill. Let’s see if Ben Affleck accepts the opportunity he is supposedly being presented.
Would you like to see him get a solo Batman series/movie on HBO Max? Tell us in the comments down below.