New Book by Joseph A Pasquale: Kindred Spirits


ADELAIDE BOOKS is proud to offer the latest work by Joseph A. Pasquale Kindred Spirits: Horse Racing Name Poems hitting stores everywhere on August 10th, 2020.

This poetry collection, Kindred Spirits: Horse Racing Name Poems was inspired by horse racing names at current tracks across America. In total, each horse name originated from about twenty-five race tracks across the United States. Throughout the process, Joseph Pasquale worked with a poetic postulation to the following questions: What meaning can we associate to every word we encounter? How can we choose to interpret that meaning and then associate it again to an even greater meaning we choose to construct? This collection was such an experiment in poetry. As tempting as it was to add or delete words, the author refrained in order to maintain the material’s integrity. The book is separated into three sections to arc the reader’s journey through wisdom, nature and hope.

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