Manja Cat Steals Husband From Wife And Has No Shame
More possessive than your ex.
by Tamara JayneIf there's an award for the world's clingiest cat, this one definitely takes the prize
In a Facebook post by Super Cats, Nasrin Hami shared photos of how her cat, Jarvis, dotes over her husband.
"It stole my husband," reads the caption.
The post, which has been shared over 76,000 times, shows Jarvis snuggling up with him no matter what he's doing.

Whether her husband is watching TV or eating, Jarvis knows no boundaries and is seen oozing with affection for its owner

If that means extending one paw on him to let him know it's there...

... Or giving Nasrin side looks to make sure she knows her place, Jarvis is one cat you don't wanna mess with.

Contrary to his resting b*tch face (RBF) though, Nasrin told Bored Panda that Jarvis is quite friendly with her as well and whoever visits their home.
She added that some of his favourite activities include sleeping, watching the birds at the window, and playing with her husband.
What is guilt? What is shame? This cat knows none of that.

And the affection is clearly reciprocated :')