Brit on pub crawl with friends says he 'couldn't care less' about new 'rule of six'


A Brit on a pub crawl on the last weekend before the 'rule of six' came into force said he 'couldn't care less' about it.

Thousands flocked to pubs over the weekend for one last hurrah before the new law came into effect at midnight on Sunday.

The coronavirus 'rule of six' which begins today bans meetings between groups of more than six people in England due to a surge of Covid-19.

Pubgoers were out across the country on Saturday and Sunday despite coronavirus cases continuing to rise - with fears friends maybe separated for months and Christmas ruined under the latest restrictions.

Aaron Leighton, 23, who was celebrating a friend’s birthday with a group of 10 on a pub crawl around Brighton at the weekend told The Sun: “I couldn’t care less about the new rule.

"I know people who came back from Spain and didn’t quarantine and what has anyone done about that? Nothing.

“This is the same. I can’t see anyone paying these fines they are threatening us with. I certainly won’t.”
People in Manchester enjoying the last weekend before restrictions (Image: Lee McLean/SWNS)
Brits enjoying outdoor dining in London before the new rules came into effect (Image: REUTERS)

A group of 15 friends from south London had also travelled to Brighton for the day over the weekend.

Alan Dean, 32, told The Sun they were making the most of things while they could.

A dad who was enjoying a Sunday lunch with a party of 14 told the newspaper if the new law is still in place by Christmas, he won't be sticking to it.
Party goes hit the bars and pubs in Nottingham on Saturday night (Image: Tom Maddick SWNS)
People out on the streets of Nottingham on Saturday (Image: Tom Maddick SWNS)

From Monday 14 September, it will be illegal in England to gather socially in a group of more than six people.

This limit applies to people of all ages including babies - in private homes and gardens; public outdoor spaces like parks; and venues like pubs and restaurants.

Those caught breaking the law will face £100 fines, doubling on each repeat offence up to £3,200.
Friends out in Manchester on Saturday (Image: Lee McLean/SWNS)
People enjoying Sunday evening in Plymouth, Devon (Image: SWNS)

The six people can be from any number of households, although guidance says people from different households should still socially distance from each other.

If your household or 'support bubble' has more than six people, you're still allowed to be in a group together.

There are also exemptions including for work, education, places of worship, weddings, funerals, and gym classes.