16 Really Good Things That Went Suuuuuper Viral This Week

Please enjoy your weekly dose of happiness!

Alice Yoo / BuzzFeed

1. This week, this nanny offered support where he could!!!!!!!

2. This lil' cloud found the perfect cylindrical hangout:

3. This girl absolutely *NAILED* the messy Bratz doll meme:

4. This pup was quite ~soothed~ after a much-needed spa day:

5. This woman retired from the Army and Navy in the most FABULOUS way possible!!!!!!!!!!

6. This dad wholesomely enjoyed Mission Impossible 2:

7. This sweet bb proved why, ONCE AGAIN, WE 👏 DO 👏 NOT 👏 DESERVE 👏 DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👏

8. Serena Williams' daughter cheered her mom on at the US Open!!!!!!!!!!! 💖😭💖😭💖

9. After working at it for 1,220 days, this guy was finally able to stand up!!!!!!!

10. This lil' goat was reunited with family!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭

11. These two matched!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12. This girl pranked her boyfriend, and the results were wholesomely hilarious!!!!!!!!

13. This dad regifted his son with an old birthday card he made him quiiiiiiiite a while ago!!!

14. This pittie simply DID 👏 NOT 👏 ACCEPT 👏 THE 👏 NET!!!!!!!! 👏

15. These guys got done dirty by drinking glasses!!!!!!!!!

16. And lastly, this mom finally came around 💖: