Likoni Floating Bridge: Highways Agency Showcases How it Will Work


The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) recently showcased the specifications of the planned Likoni floating bridge on a video on social media.

The video that they uploaded on their Facebook page and Twitter account displayed the various features of the sleek floating bridge that is aimed to ease congestion at the busy Likoni crossing.

The video brief details a number of interesting things about the project. It is precisely 1058.887m long with a floating section at the middle that can be parted. The actual bridge in question is precisely 721.327m long.

The movable floating section of the bridge is the most interesting part about the whole system. It is 241.52m long with the bride deck being only 6m wide. The floating part is accessed by northern or southern trestles each being 248.04m and 188.287m long respectively. Additionally, The transition span to and from the floating section are 21.74m long each. The floating section a system of end piles, anchorage system and power system to open the bridge possibly to let ships pass through.

Apparently this project was awarded to the China Road and Bridge Construction and the effective date for the commencement of the contract is May 20th this year. The project is to be completed in six months time.

The Likoni section is a very busy section of Mombasa country. The Likoni channels carries over 320,000 people and 6,000 vehicles a day which leads to massive congestion on both sides.

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