Self-isolation period for people with COVID-19 reduced to 10 days
by Ruairi Scott ByrneThe period of self-isolation for COVID-19 patients has been reduced from 14 days to ten days.
The changes follow a review of international evidence including a study by the Health Information & Quality Authority (HIQA) and The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has written to the country’s GPs informing them of the change in clinical guidance.
Under the change, the patient must be fever-free for the last five days and the full two weeks self-isolation will still be necessary if symptoms are still present.
The changes from 14 to 10 days does not apply to contacts of confirmed cases who have been tested or people arriving to Ireland from non-Green List countries. These groups are still required to restrict their movements for 14 days.
Self-isolation means staying indoors and completely avoiding contact with other people. This includes other people in your household, as much as possible.
According to the HSE, you will need to self-isolate:
- if you have symptoms of coronavirus
- while you wait for a test appointment and your test results, if you have symptoms of coronavirus. If you are being tested as a close contact of a confirmed case of coronavirus and you don’t have any symptoms, you should restrict your movements instead
- if you have had a positive test result for coronavirus
Only stop self-isolation when both of these apply to you:
- you have had no fever for 5 days
- it has been 10 days since you first developed symptoms
Where a person with Covid-19 symptoms tests negative, they are advised to self-isolate until 48 hours after resolution of their symptoms.
According to the HSE's guidelines on how to self-isolate, you must stay indoors and avoid contact with other people and behave as if you have the virus if you have symptoms. If you have been diagnosed with coronavirus or have symptoms, the people you live with will need to restrict their movements.
- Stay at home, in a room with a window you can open.
- Keep away from others in your home as much as you can. Use a separate toilet if possible.
- Check your symptoms - call a doctor if they get worse. Phone your doctor if you need to - do not visit them.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes using a tissue - clean your hands properly afterwards.
- Wash your hands properly and often.
- Use your own towel - do not share a towel with others.
- Clean your room every day with a household cleaner or disinfectant.
- Do not go outside unless you have your own outdoor space where you can get some fresh air.
- Do not go to work, school, religious services or public areas.
- Do not share your things. For example, food, dishes, drinking glasses or other household items.
- Do not use public transport or taxis.
- Do not invite visitors to your home.