First person ordered to wear GPS tracking bracelet in WA after alleged quarantine breach


WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson has used his COVID-19 emergency powers to order a person to wear a GPS tracking device for the first time ever since the laws were introduced.

The order, believed to be one of the first of its kind in Australia, was made after a 33-year-old woman allegedly breached quarantine directions after she travelled back to WA from New South Wales on September 1.$zoom_0.215%2C$multiply_1.5109%2C$ratio_1.776846%2C$width_1059%2C$x_0%2C$y_54/t_crop_custom/q_62%2Cf_auto/22c486d55c508ca29c5ded86bca31fd9981098e1
The woman was fitted with the ankle bracelet on Friday.

The woman was given an exemption to enter the state but was directed to isolate in her Perth home alone for 14 days.

WA Police said when quarantine officers conducted a routine check on the woman on September 10 they found two men at the house.

She was fined $1000 for failing to comply with the direction and was moved to a Perth hotel to finish her quarantine period but last night police fitted her with an 'electronic monitoring device'.

"After careful consideration of the circumstances of the breach and the woman’s previous history, the state emergency coordinator [Mr Dawson] formed a view that it was necessary to monitor her location during the quarantine period," WA Police said in a statement.

"The monitoring device, attached to the woman’s ankle, will remain in place until the end of the woman’s quarantine period."

The woman is the first person in WA to be fitted with the device since laws were introduced by the McGowan government under state of emergency powers.

In August WA Police Minister Michelle Roberts said police were working toward fitting a GPS tracker to 53-year-old Paul Lawrence who allegedly breached his quarantine directions by visiting a Perth pub but a police spokesman confirmed he did not end up being ordered to wear a device.

The emergency powers were introduced in April, along with $3 million to purchase the GPS monitoring equipment.

Police had not ordered their use until now, even during the peak of the state's lockdown in the Autumn months or when hundreds of international arrivals were being placed into hotel quarantine on a weekly basis over winter.

Last month WA Premier Mark McGowan said the GPS bracelets would only be used in 'extreme cases' but said they were a sensible precaution.