Families will be contacted and invited to apply for the new benefit (Image: Getty)

New Child Payment benefit could give families an extra £520 a year and support over 190,000 kids

The benefit will be worth £10 a week and provide financial support for up to 194,000 children across Scotland


Latest figures from the Scottish Fiscal Commission estimate that 194,000 children aged under six in Scotland will be eligible for the new Scottish Child Payment which opens for applications in November. 

This is an increase of around 24,000 eligible children (14 per cent) since the Scottish Government’s initial forecast in June 2019, accounting for the increased Universal Credit caseload - one of the main qualifying benefits - due to Covid-19

The forecast comes as legislation was laid last week to allow for the delivery of the benefit - which will give eligible families £10 a week, per child under six.

The legislation details plans to open early for applications to manage anticipated high demand for the Scottish Child Payment.

Taking applications from November will allow Social Security Scotland to start processing the expected thousands of forms before the official opening date in mid-February when entitlement to the Scottish Child Payment will begin.

Eligible households will get a letter following the official opening date, advising them of the outcome of their application and, if successful, when to expect a payment.

For those that apply ahead of the official opening date, their payment will be calculated from when entitlement begins. If they apply after this date, it will be calculated from the date of their application. 

The first payments will start from the end of February 2021.

The Scottish Child Payment together with Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods will provide over £5,200 of financial support for families by the time their first child turns six. For second and subsequent children this will provide over £4,900.

Social Security Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “This support is needed more than ever. The economic impact of Covid-19 has had a significant impact on families. 

“In response to this, we’ve already introduced a number of measures – including further investment in the Parental Employability Support Fund, a doubling of the Scottish Welfare Fund, an increase in Discretionary Housing Payments and over £110 million to support people with food insecurity during the pandemic.”

Ms Somerville added: “We’ve prioritised our efforts and resource to deliver Scottish Child Payment as soon as we could practically do so.

“We’ve continued engaging with the people who will apply for this payment to get their input into the design. We’ve managed to bring in and train new staff to help us manage the exceptional demand that we anticipate. We’ve done all of this with staff working from home.

“The Scottish Child Payment will be a game changer for families across Scotland. Significantly more families are now relying on benefits – some perhaps for the first time – and this will make a real difference.”

During August, Social Security Scotland wrote to an estimated 22,000 households across the country informing them that they may be eligible for Best Start Foods and the Best Start Grant.

The three Best Start Grant payments are worth £1,100 for the first child and £800 for second and subsequent children. Payments through Best Start Foods are worth over £1,000 by the time a child reaches the age of three.

No limits have been placed on the number of children who can be supported, with up to £4,900 available for second and subsequent children.
There’s also an additional £2.35m to help parents find employment, including £1m for disabled parents (Image: Getty)

Pregnancy and baby payment

The pregnancy and baby payment is to help with the cost of pregnancy or having a new baby. You can apply from 24 weeks pregnant up to the day your baby is six months old.

If it is your first child you will receive £600, if it is your second of third child you will be entitled to £300 per child.

Early learning payment

The early learning grant is a one-off payment of £250 when your child starts nursery, and children between the ages of two to three and a half are eligible. The grant can be used for clothes, shoes, books and days out.

School age payment

The school age grant is to cover the cost of your child starting school. So you can purchase uniforms, shoes and books.

All applicants must meet the qualifying criteria, so if you receive Universal Credit, income support, pension credit, housing benefit, child tax credit, working tax credit, you will be able to apply.

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