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Testing and Issues

You can test this app and submit issues during the testing period of the Sticker App Contest contest.

Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.


by rating


Fair Quokka Nov 11, 2021 at 17:19
You've completed the contest task. The app allows users to upload static images and combine custom sets of animated stickers using the search feature. Nice, user-friendly design overall. During the evaluation stage, we faced the following issues:
– Not possible to open existing packs without searching or uploading images.
– Incorrect previews for static stickers.
– Animated stickers only show static previews.
– There is no ability to edit published packs.
– The app sometimes freezes when selecting non-media files like .txt

The above criteria, together with the overall impressions of the app, prevented it from placing higher.

TOTAL: $750
Samsung Galaxy S10 (Android 11); Samsung Galaxy A51 (Android 11); Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro (Android 10).
Only one emoji can be set per sticker. Also, if the user doesn't have internet access, searching for a tag blocks the UI with a non-closeable loading bar forever, it may be better to instead show an error message.
OnePlus 6, Android 10
Night Bee Jul 7, 2021 at 14:11
Thank you for reviewing the app, i will make the necessary changes and will add a time out as well
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