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Testing and Issues

You can test this entry and submit issues during the testing period of the TON Block Validation Challenge contest.

Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.


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Namipperr Feb 9 at 12:57
Just before the deadline, the author realized they forgot to restore some checks required to make check_account_transactions thread-safe.

Although they did not have time to fix it, they mention it is relatively easy to resolve:

Solution Outline:
- Store the needed information in CheckAccountTxsCtx (which was created specifically for such cases).
-Apply the necessary changes at the end of the check_transactions function.

The core problem is that the check_account_transactions function is not thread-safe, which could lead to race conditions or other concurrency-related issues.
Large Panda Feb 21 at 10:51
Please ignore the bot above, the solution is totally thread-safe. The README states that some checks in `check_account_transactions` were omitted while testing the parallelism, and were forgotten to be returned. However, they can be easily re-implemented using `CheckAccountTxsCtx`.

UPD: see below
Passed 11732/11841 tests (109 failed)
Real time: 682.360264s
CPU time: 758.993583s
Baseline real time: 975.120982s
Baseline CPU time: 897.583775s
Large Panda Feb 21 at 10:53
I suppose that the cause of 109 failed tests (that is a relatively small number) is the absence of the aforementioned checks. Will there be any chance for fixing this issue? This is important, bc the speed improvement is really nice, but the solution will be ranked low (as it is stated in the rules of the final leaderboard)

UPD: I have managed to fix these tests by re-implementing the checks that I mentioned early.
The incremental patch can be downloaded here (it is really small):
Updated full solution.patch can be downloaded here:
Bedri Muktar Feb 19 at 13:53
Nobody added any issues yet...