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Testing and Issues

You can test this entry and submit issues during the testing period of the TON Trustless Bridge Challenge contest.

Entries with serious issues will not be able to win the contest, but even minor issues might be important for overall results.


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Potential issue in this check:

if (checked_weight / 2 * 3 < total_weight) {

Division can round down checked_weight so that it won't reach total_weight and block will be invalidated
Windows 10
In the transaction-checker, the sender of the 'correct' message is not verified, allowing anyone to send a message and falsify the lite-client's check_block result.
Windows 10
In `verify_signatures`
- no check for duplicate validators
- you should take into account only main validators

In `save_validators` you should calculate weight of only first `main` validators.
On `new_key_block` message you don't check that block is from currently known epoch. You ignore seqno, prev_key_block_seqno, etc.
On `check_block` message you ignore signatures =)
In Transaction-checker smart-contract you send messages with flag 128. You send all balance of the contract.
On the line 73:
left_l = left_cs~match_label(n - 1, key);
It should be
left_l = left_cs~match_label(m - 1, key);
Implemented solid parsing but missed important security checks: no max_main_validators logic, no signature deduplication (one signature can be used multiple times), no prev_block/global_checks(minor), checks in check_block is commented. In transaction checker proper solution is tried to be implemented, but it seems buggy; no check of correspondence proof and block that sent to LC. No authorization checks LC->tx_checker.

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